Are there any online bridge programs that do not use TCN?


I'm trying to bridge from LPN to RN. I don't care if it's associates or bachelors. I just want to get my RN. Desperately. I think about it every single day. I'm so frustrated as it seems there are not any online programs that do not use TCN program? I have 4 little ones, I work full time nights. I don't think I have any options but online. Please help. TIA :)

Excelsior College has no ties with TCN.

Excelsior is the way to go! Go directly through the college and you don't need to use the college network. I'm using sg101 and older textbooks and I have life span 3, fcca and cpne to go. Study at your own pace and set your own schedule and reasonably priced considering...

tcn is only a publishing company-they make study materials, and do not grant a degree. the college they provide materials for is excelsior, as the above poster stated. EC has lots of info on their website as well as you can call and talk to an adviser. it really takes a special motivated person to study on their own, esp with working full time and having kids. i also worked nights, two jobs, and had 2-4 kids when doing EC. i got to study at night on down time as well as when i was on bedrest, lol. there are lots of details about EC you need to get from them before you make your decision (like how the cost for each exam, clinical exam, and yearly continuing student fee go up each completing the program asap is paramount for money saving) (oh, and you can not get federal funding-no pell grants or student loans)...etc etc

it is doable of course!

good luck!

Specializes in LTC, Rehab.

I agree with the other posts, Excelsior is a great choice ! I got my LPN license in January of this year and started with Excelsior vs. my community college because I can actually work and study at my own pace . I am a visual learner, so this works out perfectly for me (I never got much out of listening to lectures). I don't think it's for everyone, but if you are motivated, and determined you can do it !!

in fact, this warning came out specifically about tcn on excelsior's home page, under latest news and events, dated 5/25/12:

"notice to all students taking excelsior college® examinations: in response to numerous inquiries from students, excelsior college wants to clarify that it is in no way associated with the college network (tcn) its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, or partners. excelsior does not promote, endorse, or approve tcn's products or services. excelsior college provides its students with all of the resources and support necessary to successfully complete its degree programs, especially the associate degree in nursing. for assistance or further information, please contact an excelsior college advisor at 888-647-2388."

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