Published Mar 19, 2009
243 Posts
My fellow students and I are having an extrordinarily hard time with the nursing administration at my university. They have in mid-program added on two extra semesters, not hired enough professors to offer clinical spots to all the eligible students who are already half-way through the program, purposely withheld NCLEX pass rates (I am in one of the only states that doesn't require the nursing school to make public their pass rates), they have really used and abused us in what I feel is a highly unethical manner not to mention the fact that they have increased tuition-for nursing students only!-every semester sometimes as much as a few thousand dollars.
My nursing school has grown way too fast and has taken on way too many nursing students for the sake of making more money. The problem is the school hasn't made the necessary changes to accomodate all these students and has made some very unfortunate missteps in how they handle, communicate, and make decisions for us. I can't believe that a business (it's a private university) can actually be run this poorly and can be this unethical. I am also in disbelief with how horrible they treat us as students, especially since we are the school's "cash cow." Are there any other nursing students out there having similar experiences? Since there are so many people that seem to be entering nursing school now it seems like a perfect situation for nursing schools to get greedy and take advantage of desperate nursing students. I am curious if my school is the only one have problems or if other students are running into issues with their nursing education...
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
I am so sorry that you are having such a bad experience with your school. I assume you have voiced your concerns via all the normal channels?? Can you work through your student government association?
I didn't realize that some states did not require public disclosure of NCLEX pass rates. But, based on the relatively sudden curriculum changes you mentioned - it sounds like your school may be on warnings from NLN & trying to improve pass rates ASAP.
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
It is happening with a couple of schools in my region as well. A few schools have expanded way too far and way too quickly. They are in shambles and the students are being treated badly and receiving a horrible education. My hospital hesitates to hire nurses from those schools anymore and some may soon be in trouble with the accreditors and the BON. -- At least, I hope so.
My suggestion is that you make the accrediting agency aware of the situation -- either go to them openly as a group -- or annonymously as individuals. You might get lucky and someone at the accrediting agency might look into the situation. Even if the agency only makes a few phone calls, it might get the school's attention and cause them to think twice.
637 Posts
I haven't started nursing school yet and I hope this isn't the case with the school I attend. If it is I'll be withdrawing and looking for another school. I know that it's not convenient to interrupt education, but I also can't see continuing to give my money to a shoddy institution.
961 Posts
Something is definitely amiss here. I agree with llg, and also would like to note that nursing is often one of the less profitable majors on campus due to extensive clinical time. If the school is saying you are the "cash cow," this would be highly unusual.
The school isn't saying that we're a cash cow but a couple of the professors have said it. We have had meetings with the deans to no effect. We're in the process of contacting the accrediting agencies, the press, and to be honest considering legal action. It has been an incredibly unfortunate situation that has costed me extra years out of my life and thousands of dollars. This school isn't considered a shoddy institution. It's a generally well regarded institution that has an excellent reputation for some of it's other programs but has some really incompetent nursing adminstrators that have made some horrible decisions and have grown too big too fast. All around a very horrible experience. I would transfer if I could but I missed the application for 2009-2010 already and I am suppose to graduate summer 2010 so I'm stuck, my fellow students are stuck, and the university knows it.
38,333 Posts
I attended a public university where the nursing students were subjected to whatever was the current problem driving the nursing school administration. Herd treatment and herd mentality. Because there were more students than could be accommodated, the instructors and the dean would often threaten students with elimination. The sad part was the way they followed through with elimination from the program. In several cases grossly unfair, but that was the chance everyone took each semester until graduation.