Are you happy as an LVN?

Nurses LPN/LVN


So I'm a little curious, for all of you that are currently working as LVNs was it easy to find a job? Are you guys still happy you got into this profession? What are the pros and cons?

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Although I am not an LVN any longer, I'll go ahead an answer this question.

I was an LVN from 2006 to 2010 and I do not regret my decision to become one. I had always been able to find employment easily as an LVN, but keep in mind that the nursing job market in most parts of the United States was better in 2006 than it is today.

Although I trained to become an LVN in southern CA, I relocated to Texas soon after graduation, and this is the only state where I have ever worked as an LVN. The job market for new grad LVNs in most parts of CA is dismal.

Pros include good nursing experience, decent income, flexibility, and the opportunity to enroll in LVN-to-RN bridge programs. Cons include limited specialties, less money than your RN counterparts, and uninformed people who always question your decision to become an LVN.

I started my career as the Australian version of an LPN. Most people thought it was a waste of time, an unnecessary stepping stone but I don't regret my path for a second! I learnt so much! Not only clinical skills but amazing time management, how to handle certain patient and family dynamics and basically how to manage a shift. When I was a GRN I was already comfortable in my job and knew what I had to do. The other grads were jealous of my clinical knowledge, technical skills and in particular my time management. Don't listen to anyone who says LPN is a waste of time, the people who told me that ended up saying how great I was when I became a GN, I owe it all to being an LPN first. People will talk you down for not being a "real nurse" just block it out, LPNs are fantastic.

I cant speak for the job situation because our job market is much healthier then the USA.

See this thread also...

I am very happy to be an LPN. I did not have any trouble finding either of the two jobs that I've worked so far. I got my first job 2 weeks after I started looking, and when I moved to another state, I found the job I have now after only two days of living here. The pros are that I get to be a nurse...I use the skills that I learned in school, I get to help people, and I take pride in what I do. The cons are that we aren't compensated nearly enough at times, and there is not as much support for our profession as RN's.

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