Published Dec 3, 2018
3 members have participated
1 Post
Hello, I am extremely nervous.I am a prenursing student.I have good grades and i never get in trouble.Until now. I recently, two days ago, got a ticket for possession of marijuana. I have been stress nauseated and unable to eat or sleep all weekend. I don't want my dreams of being an RN to be over. I have dreamed and dreamed of this for years and now its all in jeopardy. I am a first time offender and terrified. I hear that there is a good chance of me getting a deferred adjudication, resulting in dismissal. I would be able to apply for expungement as well. I know that the BON will see it, but will a deferred adjudication prevent me from getting into the program? Can they it if its expunged by then? Im only a freshman and wont be applying for school until next spring. Also, if the BON knows of my deferral/expungement, does that mean that my clinical programs and future employing hospitals will know or does that stay in the board??? If any one has any knowledge....I would appreciate it.
Persephone Paige, ADN
1 Article; 696 Posts
If this were a 10 year old charge, I'd say "don't sweat it." It's not that you haven't made the mistake a lot of others have in their youth. The problem is it JUST happened. And nurses or potential nurses aren't supposed to be smoking pot. You need some time between you and this ticket, or perhaps get a good attorney who knows a way to make it disappear. Just remember, they can drug test you randomly and if you pop positive in nursing school, you're gonna end up with a monitoring contract before you even leave the gate.