Are DON's on 24/7 call


This post is part question and part story, I'm trying to understand the DON role.

I was was recently hired as floor nurse in a very small 20 bed facility . I was hired because a full timer was leaving but on my first shadow shift, he told me he was staying.

the DON left the state the next day for vacation . I did send her a text asking if I would be keeping full time status since the other nurse changed his mind. Her answer was vague and she said we would sort it all out when she got backs... In two weeks !

We we don't have an assistant DON and no other managers. During orientation I'm learning the patients and other things you'd expect to train on,. No issues there. But we have no one in charge. Are DON's expected to be available by phone 24/7 even while on vacation (she also timed it during a survey/audit and I'm not comfortable enough yet , so naturally I'm nervous .

I had had to ask for a formal job offer letter. It was typed up after she was gone. When I was hired it was for the 2 pm shift , but the letter only gave my rate and said hours would vary, meaning I'm not sure if I just got blindsided because the other guy is staying .

I know she's on vacation but I have rent to pay so I texted her asking for clarification. She was dismissive and kept saying we would work it out when she got back. No one is managing the place in her absence . I'm very nervous that she kept me around just in case but when she gets back, she will no longer need me. I find it strange that no one is covering for her and she got irate when I simply asked if I'll still have a job. In fact when she does return I'm certain my schedule will be a low priority. I've never started a job before and not had a manager around. I have no idea who takes care of staffing if someone calls in sick . And I'm worried that she didn't consider for a moment that I was very clear that I could only work Eve's. I turned down another job offer when she offered the job. Yet the generic offer letter indicates next to nothing.

I wont know a thing at least until November 10th. I'm stuck because I don't want to Apply to other places in case it worKs out.

Hopefully this lack of contact and hiring me the day before Is not setting a precedent of how things will be when she gets back. It's a small facility but shouldn't she still be on call for urgent matters? I'm certain my hours are not urgent to her but I feel like there's a lack of courtesy on her part for not addressing it.

Maybe I'm not understanding the DON role well enough . But as I mentioned there's no other manager.


Someone has to be in charge. What about the administrator? Is this a free standing facility or a unit part of a big system?

We are a small facility with 50 beds. I can't imagine not having someone in charge while the DON is away. If you are going thru a survey, they will have a field day with this one.

Gone during the survey and leaving a new hire in charge? I would hazard a guess that the DON might be resigning instead of returning to work. After the survey, if according to the way things usually go, she may be forced to leave permanently anyway. You will be doing yourself a favor by starting your job search now. That's how I see it.

Apologies for my typos , I'm using an iPad . Thanks for the responses so far, it appears my instincts are not far off target. Yes, this is a free standing facility, very small. There is an executive administrator who does not return calls or emails. I'm really not quite sure what he does. I have asked him about the survey with no response from him. He is not available after 4 pm (but doesn't answer anyways) .

I am shocked, too, that a manager is not available . The DON worked the NOC shift and became DON a year ago. I am truly baffled why she would choose to vacation during this time, unless like was mentioned, she plans on not coming back . I have been shadowing on the dementia unit and so I'm familiar with that population . I was shocked to find out that we don't have security and the cameras set up outside the perimeter to monitor in case a wanderer somehow gets out, are not working. I can make a list of things that the facility will get dinged on .

I think I'm being lied to and yes, I spent the wee hours filling out applications for other places . For someone who was hired full time, I'm getting 16 hours a week right now and tentatively scheduled for just a couple more shifts through mid November . Upon hiring me she said she badly needed help since two nurses were leaving (greener pastures) , but then I find out one guy is staying . I'm kind of stuck there until I find something else.

Surely the surveyors will question why the DON is gone. I got hired into a nightmare . Another lesson learned .

You won't be penalized for what you don't know. Sounds like a crap, unstable company. Run as fast as possible. RED FLAGS! !

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