APU ELM Summer 2017


Hello future APU ELM student!!

I wanted to start a thread for anyone applying to the ELM program for the 2017 summer cohort. Here we can talk about your application status, GPA, STATS, interviews, the application and just support one another during this nerve wrecking time.

Best of luck to everyone!!

#APU ELM Summer 2017

Want to see if anyone has been interviewed yet?

Hi @mmg10, I submitted my application for Summer 2017 on the last day July 1st and still haven't heard from APU for an interview. When did you submit your application? Did you have an interview with them yet? Was wondering if maybe they're running late contacting students or maybe they'll be sending out rejection letters soon :/

Hi! I submitted my application on July 1st and they recently emailed me to let me know that my application was recieved. As far as I know, applications weren't due until the 22 of this month so maybe they haven't even started reviewing applications or won't be reviewing until after the deadline.

Hi! I submitted my application June 30th and I have only received the email confirming that my application was complete and that it was now going to be reviewed. But I have not head from them at all. @ jasminec4593 how do you know that they started reviewing application on the 22nd?


I applied for Summer 2017 as well. I have an interview August 2nd... so in TWO days.

I am SO nervous! How are you guys preparing for the interview?

Good luck!! Which campus? Let us know how it goes :)

Hi everyone!

I submitted my application on July 1st for the IE campus and I have yet to receive a call from them.

I applied to the main campus in Azusa and I received a call this morning to schedule an interview. Mine will be Monday the 8th!

Congrats! Let us know how it goes.

Interview was like everyone has previously described in past posts. My actual interview was just 35 min or so. I interviewed at the Monrovia campus by prof (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME). She said they will be getting together on August 29th for final decisions and sending out noticed by mid September. Has anyone else interviewed? Anyone know how many ppl they are interviewing?

Hi everyone! I also interviewed in early August and I was told to expect decisions beginning the first week of September!! The interview was relatively relaxed and I was asked typical questions such as why nursing, why APU, etc.

How was everyone else's experience?

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