APU ELM Spring 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi Everyone!

I was wondering if any other aspiring future nurses out there are applying to Azusa Pacific's Entry-Level Masters program for spring 2018. I applied a couple of weeks ago and it would be awesome to chat with others who are in the same boat. I've been an avid reader on this site for a very long time and this is my first post.

is there an facebook page for accepted students for SD campus 2018 jan date?

Congrats on the interview sig_336! I was contacted for an interview a little over a month after the deadline, and I believe there were still interviews going a couple weeks after mine as well. So if anyone hasn't been contacted for an interview yet just be patient, although that can be difficult!

Hello! No problem! Has anyone heard back yet that has had an interview? Does anyone know when we should hear back?

Thank you for getting back to me! @teambat

I ended up contacting the school and they sent me some info.

Hi @Gcm_92, I was reading your post how you were rejected and reapplied for another semester. I am in the same boat right now but for summer 2018. How did you get another inteview? Did they inquire or did you? I tried asked for a second interview but they said it was not necessary for reapplicants. I retook A&P and sent my transcripts, but they pretty much used the same materials from last application.

Hey @reych5

I was contacted by a program manager. He set me up with an interview. I was interviewed by one of the main ladies. I don't know about the second interview not being necessary for reapplicants. However, the second interview was straight to the point. They didn't ask about "why do you want to be a nurse" it was more like " what have you done since the last interview". Luckily, I was taking a prerequisite course and I could tell she really liked my response. Then I proceeded to tell her about a mission experience. Overall, the interview went well. It took about a month to hear back from them that I had been accepted for summer 2018. It was amazing to see my hard work finally pay off.

Now with that being said, APU contacted me and told me that a spot was open for spring 2018(the term I had originally applied for) and I took it. Therefore, I will be starting ELM program in January 2018.

Hey @reych5

I was contacted by a program manager. He set me up with an interview. I was interviewed by one of the main ladies. I don't know about the second interview not being necessary for reapplicants. However, the second interview was straight to the point. They didn't ask about "why do you want to be a nurse" it was more like " what have you done since the last interview". Luckily, I was taking a prerequisite course and I could tell she really liked my response. Then I proceeded to tell her about a mission experience. Overall, the interview went well. It took about a month to hear back from them that I had been accepted for summer 2018. It was amazing to see my hard work finally pay off.

Now with that being said, APU contacted me and told me that a spot was open for spring 2018(the term I had originally applied for) and I took it. Therefore, I will be starting ELM program in January 2018.

Hi Gcm_92, Congratulations on your acceptance and early admission! I'm going through the same process right now and have my second interview this week. Did they have you complete the writing prompt again?

@icmarr which campus did you apply to?

Hey @icmarr

Yes I did have to do another writing prompt. All the best to you. You can do it. Just be comfortable in your skin and you got this.

Thank you, for the encouraging words!! I pray to come back and share the good news with you all. :) Say a prayer for me my interview is tomorrow!

@icmarr which campus did you apply to?

Hi @reych5 I applied to the Monrovia campus. :)

How did the interview go? Did they mention when you should hear something back from them?

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