Appropriate Response


Hello all,

I have a question- while I was away on an interview one of the nurse recruiters from another hospital called. My roomate answered and told them that I was not available to talk because I was at an interview. I have since called the recruiter back and am arranging an interview.

Here's my question:

Do hospitals get upset when they know you are interviewing with other facilities? (I liken it to a man learning that his girlfriend "can't come to the phone because she's out with another guy" :uhoh21: eeek).

Also, how should I respond if the interviewer brings-up my interviewing with other companies?

I'm really excited about my upcoming interview but I'm worried that they will think less of me because I talked with another company.

Specializes in ICU.

What ... you can't try to put food on your table in any way possible? I wouldn't sweat it. Maybe they'll both fight over you. :D

Well, look at the question from the other "side" -- do you think there's anything wrong with a company interviewing other people beside you for a position? Of course not. You are waaaay overpersonalizing this.

Companies expect people to be looking at opportunities with other employers besides them, and don't really care. I would consider it a big "red flag" if a potential employer had a problem with me pursuing all attractive employment opportunities.

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

I wouldn't even bring it up...and I doubt that the interviewer will too.

Though I would take a minute to talk to the roomie and ask that for future calls when you are out, if she/he can tell them you are not available.

every interview i have been to have asked if i was searching for other jobs, if i had any interviews, or if i had anything else set up. seems as though it's somewhat important to them.

every interview i have been to have asked if i was searching for other jobs, if i had any interviews, or if i had anything else set up. seems as though it's somewhat important to them.

Interesting -- I don't think I've ever been asked anything like that in my entire career.

Specializes in Foot care.

Well, I was just at an interview for a camp nursing job and as it's quite early in the year, we discussed my plans. The camp director liked me and offered me the job. I liked the camp, a lot. But it's 2 hours away from my home and I have an interview with another camp that is only 5 minutes away. Though for both I would reside at camp, if I was only 5 minutes away, I could conceivably dash home to pet the cat, kiss the hub, and have a cup of tea on my off time each day. :-) I told this to the camp director, using slightly different words. I also told him the date of my interview and he said he would "drag his heels" interviewing other candidates; I told him I would contact him on such and such a date with my answer.

I think having other interviews is good; you are seen as desirable and a go getter. Otherwise, they might think you are sitting home crying and eating bon bons. (Just kidding.)

I think your roomie however, is giving TMI. No one calling for you needs to know your business unless it's your mom.

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