Appreciates everything; what a ride

Nurses General Nursing


Two months ago I happened to stumble across while searching for a nursing job with my fresh CNA license.

Let me tell you that I have learned a great deal in a short amount of time about nursing that I couldn't think of touching before I found this board.

Reading your posts, and considering common concerns discussed amongst yall has given me keen insight.

Mario must confess, however, that he really needs to learn more humility. How can he contribute to a thread, here at General Nursing Discussion when he is not a nurse yet? Admittedly, his opinions are mere hearsay. Imagine that :) A guy who comments on issues and he is not even a nurse....what nerve!

Recognizing this, I want to say thank you for letting me interject my comments, and I loved every minute of it.

Let me go to my place now, the Student Nursing Forum and live there, until I get pinned with my RN two years from now. Then I will have earned the title to add my two cents to issues yall work with all ready. Until then, I want to observe here, and I will.

A student nurse can talk about student issues, but not grow an RN title out of the air and start adding comments here.

I loved every minute of it:kiss Like terminator said, I'll be back:kiss

Specializes in surgical, neuro, education.

Glad your back Mario--so how do you get all those cool avatars instead of the ones they offer????

:) :)


Dear Mario,

I came across the website while looking for some research not long ago, I have found this site to be brilliant. I do however disagree with you if you feel that you have less to contribute as you are not quite an RN. I finshed uni in 98 and felt that I could not subscribe to any journals, websites etc as I was not an RN at the time. One of my clinical educators pointed out to me that I should be partcipating in such ventures as I got to hear views of experienced RN's. I found even if I did not feel that I could offer a view I enjoyed listening to other nurses stories and expereineces. Furthermore, students are nursing's future. i love working with with students as sometimes I find they pick up the things that I miss as they usually don't have a pt load. As all of us know sometimes you have stand back to see the big pciture and on a busy day not many of us have time to do that. I would like to encourage you to stay on line and put your 2 cents in, as this website deos not have a pre requiste that you be a nurse.

You have a lot to contribute and nursing is not all what you learn in skills or from books but life experience. I was 30 when I started nursing and have found on many occassions it has been my life experience that had helped me to solve clinical problems.

Never underestimate your value as a student, your input is refreshing. It helps to remind us why we are nurses, and when I see a struggling student it reminds me of I coped through my training. And remeber not all threads are related to clinincal issues. If you are an adult, if you are interesetd in nursing and will listen to other opinions with an open mind then you should continue to post and respond to threads. There should not be a line between students and registered nurses when interacting oustside a clinical setting, at the end of the day we can all learn from each other regardless of qualifications.

ok I have rambled on enough, I hope it is food for thought!

WE would like to support you in your endaevours so let us help from this little website that can be your sounding board!

Best of luck hope to hear from you all soon

tweety :chuckle

Originally posted by thisnurse

i say we change the name of the forum to all nurses and mario cna

:imbar :stone :imbar :roll :eek: :p

we need more Mario's!!!!!!!!!

appreciates everything//////llife is a journey.........what an adventure........and what a ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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