Published Aug 8, 2019
4 Posts
Hello everyone!
I just passed my AANP cert through AANP. Yippeee!!!! Now I have to apply with the BRN in CA for my NP application and furnishing number. When I go on their website, I have the option to apply online or by mail. That is easy enough, but I was told (and it also mentions on the website) that I need to apply for both together. Also, if applying for both at the same time, I would only need to pay 1 fee. Well, I applied for both online and I see that I need to pay 2 different fees ($500 and $400). There is no option to include both applications together and pay one fee.
If this is how I am supposed to do it, fine. But I am so apprehensive about paying the fee, finding out I did it the wrong way and not getting a refund!
If anyone can help me, I'd be sooooo appreciative. I am on hold with the BRN right now but I think I might be waiting for a while. Also emailed them 2 days response yet.
Apologies, everyone:
* I just passed my FNP cert through AANP*
2 Posts
I recently got my license. Both were done online and were separate applications. I think they mean together so when they get to your application (12-14 weeks) they can approve both of them.
The application fees are correct, you also need to account for DEA which will be something like 700
733 Posts
This is correct, unfortunately. And be prepared to wait up to six months for approval from the BRN.
ArmaniX, MSN, APRN
339 Posts
I believe it took me 2 to 3 months for my BoN NP/Furnishing to come.
20 Posts
I submitted my application by mail the end of May, the end of August is when I got my license and furnishing number. You need to make sure that the board has everything since not doing so can cause major delays with receiving your license and furnishing number. The fees are separate and the applications are too, but if one is deficient you cannot get the other one, I have a friend who's furnishing license is deficient due to all the information needed for her NP License. I know another nurse who has been waiting 5 weeks after a deficiency and still has not seen anything yet. Make sure you have everything you need turned in, do your application and then wait about a week and send in the other stuff, this is what I was advised when I called the BRN and fortunately I got my license even before my processing time was up. For the most part you will be in the dark during the process and calling them for anything except for a general question will most likely not change anything. I found out my license had posted because I got an email asking me to update my email address in Breeze. When I went to do that I seen that my number was up.
Thank you all so much! Very helpful. I called the BRN back 2 weeks ago and I was told they have everything but are still working on applications from June. ?
Yes, you can go to the website, on the right hand side you will see processing times, scroll down to Advance Practice Certification and it will tell you where they are with applications, right now they are on July 16-31 and they are usually on the specific dates at least 3 weeks. I usually checked it every Monday. Did not know if you knew this or not, if you did then just keep checking on Monday since this is when they update it usually but sometimes on tuesday. It can be nerve recking waiting but if you have everything in you will have no problems.
Thank you srod79, that is so helpful and a great tool to utilize. I had no idea! I will be checking the website with regularity.
AddictionNP, MSN, RN, NP
131 Posts
I know this does not help now but you could have applied for your furnishing number and license as soon as your degree posted to your transcript. In fact I applied for mine in October 2018 and graduated in December 2018 and had my license and furnishing number by February. I took boards in March and was ready for a job as soon as I got an official letter from AANP of my passing.
17 Posts
I am already licensed as an RN in California. I will be graduating from a Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner program in May 2020 and have some questions about the process and I am hoping you can help me.
It was mentioned in my program we should apply for our license early; the California BRN has an alert on their page that reads, “In order to furnish (prescribe) drugs and devices to patients, you must submit an application for a Nurse Practitioner Furnishing Number together with your Nurse Practitioner Application.” Should I wait until I pass my ANCC and have all my documents before I apply?
Do I have to turn 3 applications: a NP application, a furnishing license application, and a Psychiatric mental health nurse application? Or do I just need to turn in the NP application and furnishing license application?
If I need to wait to apply; when should I request the transcripts and verification form the form from the school and ANCC? Transcripts sometimes take weeks; what happens if I request those and they arrive before you get my applications?
For the Application for the listing as a psychiatric/mental health nurse: I’m not sure what I should put for Page 7, Question E. “Supervised Clinical Experience in Psychiatric/Mental Health Counseling.” It seems like this is independent from my clinical experience which will be verified by the ANCC certification.
It wants
Beginning and end dates
Supervisor’s name and profession
Briefly describe the nature of your clinical experience and state where it was obtained
Do I just need to list one of my preceptors for this question?
I am an FNP, I only filled out the nurse practitioner app and furnishing app. When you are able to fill this out depends on if you have gone to a California approved college, my understanding and this was a year ago was that if you did not go to a California approved college then you had to take the boards before you could apply for your license but if you went to a California approved college you could apply when you were done with your program. This is something to look into. If you Google California approved colleges it will give you the list. I do know that I called the board and they said to send in the applications and fees before you did anything else and give a few weeks after before you have the school and which ever board you take send verification so that a file can be created for you. I do not see any categories on the board website, you are just called a nurse practitioner, there was no separate application for it. I was fortunate that even though I had to wait 3 months which is the longest, I did not have any delays. Make sure you read everything, it may help to print it out, they did not call two NPs I know because they forgot something, so take your time with the application. If you have a deficiency it can delay your application another month, which is what happened with the two NPs I know.
Your question about page 7 question E. I would have to see the form to make sense of what you are saying, maybe you can attach it to the thread. I hope this helps.