applying for a new job-do I mention that I'm in grad school?


Specializes in LDRP.

I am applying for a job online tonight, in a labor and delivery unit. I have just started grad school with the intention to be a CNM. Do I mention on my resume/application that I am in grad school? On one hand, continuing education looks good. On the other hand, if they know I'm just going to leave in three years, is it worth it to hire me? I also don't want to be dishonest by leaving it off, if its required.

Thank you!

If it's required, then put it there, but I haven't seen many applications that require you to divulge your grad school if the position is for a regular staff L&D position. Also, when/if it comes up, make it clear that you are very committed to the job and position. I mean, your CNM knowledge definitely wouldn't hurt on the job.

Specializes in LDRP.

i was thinking as far as the education part of the applciation--where it asks for your college. Do I add my current graduate school?

don't most applications have that fine print that says something like any omission or whatever could be cause for termination. i know that higher education should be a plus for anyone but if you don't put it down and somewhere down the line, you end up requesting a different schedule the employer needs to accommodate due to grad school which they were not aware of, the employer may not want to be flexible with you or give you all the free time for grad school that you need... if you know what i mean. congrats on becoming a CNM-to-be though! i don't think you should hide it because of potential issues it might cause.

I would think furthering your education would be a good thing but you don't have the degree yet so I don't think it would be lying if you didn't put it on the application. Any staff nurse could up and decide to go to grad school at any time. I'd mention it in the interview and have it listed on my resume, though.

Specializes in Critical Care, Nsg QA.

You will not necessarily be leaving after 3 years. Things may change, they may create a position that you will be uniquely qualified for. I would make it a positive - any education is a positive!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

If mentioned/requested on the app - of course disclose it.

If not asked for - I wouldn't mention it in the interview.

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