applying as enrolled nurse in australia

World Registration



I am new in this site and found some helpful tips on other posts. Hope you guys can give me any suggestions or steps on how will i start or continue.

Here's my scenario:

I am a graduate of BSN last 2008, i took board exam but i failed twice... and now i'm thinking of going back to my said profession and continue it in australia.. i've been practicing NA in more than 2 yrs time now and was wondering if i can apply in sydney as an Enrolled Nurse since i have some relatives in their.

What should i do first...

Thanks for all the help..

You will not be able to bridging as you are not a registered nurse in your own country and have not done cpd and have not worked as an RN for passed 5 years.

I understand now. Thanks guys for all the comment.. it lighten up my wrong belief... take care everybody and may god bless us all... ")

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