Anyone starting Palomar Nursing program Fall 2011?

U.S.A. California


I am starting Palomar Nursing program in Fall 2011. I would love to get in contact with other students starting in Fall 2011! :lol2: I am pretty sure if you are on the waitlist and number 30 or below you will be starting in fall!

Thank you!!!!! :) oh and Congrats!!!!!!!

I am starting in FALL!!! :) Just found out! yay!

Congrats Chrissybear! See you at Orientation!!

yay see you there :)

I got a letter saying I can come to the Fall 2012 orientation just in case enough people drop I can get I don't know what to do!!! I'd have to miss a day of clinicals just to go and I haven't missed ANY class hours so far :(

What should I do???

Should I go just in case I get in for Fall and drop out of the LVN or just plan on finishing the LVN and going in the Spring? I would graduate with my RN a semester sooner and that got me really excited!!

Oh yay thats awesome!! It's really up to u. My question is if you don't go to orientation do you loose your spot or would you enter spring 2012?

The letter said I would stay enrolled for Spring 2012 so I won't loose my spot... and I'm gunna call tomorrow to see if I could still get in for Fall even if I don't go to the orientation or if it's mandatory...

Let them know that I will fill you in and I can grab whatever paperwork you need. I think Barbara is the one you need to talk to. If it's ok with them I can just call you and let you know what you missed :)

Thank you for the offer but I just talked to ---- today and she said I'd have to be at the orientation myself if I wanted a chance to get in for the fall.... Now I just have to decide if I'm going to miss a day of school for the CHANCE that I'll get in for the fall....:confused:

I just got a letter today stating i might be able to get in for spring 2012? But the letter didn't state that i was in for sure, is anyone in the same situation?

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