Anyone start school over 50?

Specialties CRNA


I was wondering if anyone is or knows a CRNA that didn't go to anesthesia school until they were older, (like late 40's or into their 50's)? I have a masters in chemistry, and just started nursing school at age 47. I know I have the academic ability, but I worry about the stamina.

Specializes in Anesthesia ICU LTC Dialysis.

If you mean CRNA school after 50. I have had one student over 50 do it.. He was career Army enlisted infantry and what we call a hardbelly.He was one of the most motivated,hardworking student i have ever had the pleasure of having. I was 40 when i went to grad school for CRNA ad it kicked my butt like nothing before.I stand in awe of this guy. You cannot compare CRNA school with nursing school INCLUDING NP school in any way... degree of difficulty, time commitment, information uptake etc etc.

That being said.. try CRNA school. You will either make it...or not.

In my class, there are a couple of students, their kids alrady go to college, so I assume they are late 40s or early 50s. they are all doing great.

So I think age is not an absolute factor. There are people who are in the 30s and are on disability for 10 years already. If in a good sahpe, somebody's 50 is another person's 30s.

Specializes in Anesthesia ICU LTC Dialysis.
Not to burst your bubble, guys, but I went to cRNA school at age 45 and guess what I sadly realized, I can't memorize as much as the younger ones!! Brace yourself, if you have a track record of getting As..just settle for Bs. That particular area discouraged me at first, but what helps is if you can focus, apply efficient study techniques and listen to Alpha state music to calm your nerves. It doesn't mean the younger ones are smarter, they just know how to memorize VERBATIM and in the world of CRNA school, that's what counts the most...Good luck !!!

You are my hero!!!:yeah:

listen to Alpha state music

What is Alpha state music?

I am also thinking about CRNA school as a later in life change of career, but I am not sure if it is actually a good move as far as a financial or time investment. I don't want to work till I'm 70 or even 65 for that matter. The earliest that I could be a CRNA would be 41-42. Would it be worth the effort and investment to work 10-15 years?

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