Published Dec 10, 2007
12 Posts
Anxiously waiting for a letter
67 Posts
Well...I made the alternate list. How about you?
18 Posts
I am on the alternate list also. Did you call to see what number you were on the alternate list? One of my coworkers were accepted to the program, I wish I had a guaranteed spot. Did you apply any where else?
I'm number 2 on the list. I found out yesterday. Do you know?
Unfortunately, I wasnt selected this year but selected as an alternate at MTSA. Congrats on making the alternate list at UTC. Hopefully, you will hear some good news soon. Did you you take the CCRN exam, Super Sleeper?
Congrats on alternate list to you! I did take the CCRN. You? I hope I hear something, one way or another, soon so I can make plans...get on with the 'ol life...that kind of thing.
I was number ? and UTC called me today so look for your call. I applied to another school I think I will make a decision that will leave you with Tennessee.
Thanks for the heads-up DeDe. Congrats on the call! Did they give you a timeline for a confirmation or denial, like two weeks or so? Have you already been accepted to your other school? Go with your bliss...
Unfortunately, they want to know when they are talking on the phone to you. If you do not accept they move right along to the next person. It would be unwise to say no I am waiting on........I should here from other schools in the next couple of weeks.
Jeesh. The originally chosen got some time. I won't know about finances until I find out if they want me. But, they'll just want to know immediately. That's a $1000 gamble for me. *sigh* Nuttin's easy with this...
You should be receiving your call. I had to turn my money in by Jan 23 and I declined because I got accepted to another school. You may want to call and ask has anyone declined this is what I did. I called Dr Lindgren. Good Luck
Well, talk about a wait, but I got my call today. I'm in!
This goes to show you should not give up hope if you are on the alternate list. You shouldn't give up hope even if you didn't get an interview...keep trying!
I look forward to meeting my classmates in 1 1/2 months!