Anyone one in an excellerated program?

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I was just wondering if anyone else was crazy enough to do it.It's so hectic.There's so much information in so little time. I pray for April to get here(grad).Have a good night!


Specializes in GYN/GON/Med-Surg/Oncology/Tele.

I'm not in one but I'd love to apply to one. I just wonder whether or not my body can handle the amount of stress I'm sure me being in the program will produce. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation...


you meant ACCERLERATED NURSING PROGRAM? I graduated from Downstate last august and just passed the state boards. You can manage it, and next thing you know you'll be graduating and studying for the state boards. Good luck!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I'm about to start my 2nd month of an accelerated ASN program. It's 9 months long, October thru July, with one break for Christmas and NYs. Other than that we go straight thru and have no breaks. So far its been alright, but you need to only be focused on school. They really stress that you can't have a job because you don't have time. We start our clinicals the end of November.

I heard the same thing from others, by the time you realize what you've gotten yourself into, graduation is around the corner and you're done with the program.

I started in january and I graduate next april.It has been crazy.Did you feel like you missed out at all b/c everything went so quickly? All of our classes are 5 weeks but, teach the same amount of hours and material as a normal 12 week semester.We started w/ 25 and are down to 10 from our original class w/ 2 transplants from other classes.It is hard but, it was the best for me to get through school faster. Thanks for all the replies.


I started in january and I graduate next april.It has been crazy.Did you feel like you missed out at all b/c everything went so quickly? All of our classes are 5 weeks but, teach the same amount of hours and material as a normal 12 week semester.We started w/ 25 and are down to 10 from our original class w/ 2 transplants from other classes.It is hard but, it was the best for me to get through school faster. Thanks for all the replies.


10 from 25? Holy cow. That doesn't say much for either the students or the instructors. That high of a failure rate is not something a school should be proud of at all. We started with 25, and lost 2 so far. We graduate at the beginning of May, and I can't wait for all this to be over. I can honestly say that I have not had much fun at all going through nursing school. In my old career as a pilot, I still had fun going through flight school. It was a lot of fun flying, even though there was a lot of things that had to be done to learn how to keep lots of people alive. Going through nursing school, however, seems to be a totally different fun at all for me. Rewarding? Maybe. But fun, nope, not at all.

I know, it is crazy how many we have lost but, when you think about going through courses like A&P and pharm they are hard as it is and then add the condensed time which puts so much information out there. We have had some awesome teachers and a couple that just read to you. We are down to our last 4 courses after medsurg so its pretty hectic.Right now we have 2 class days 4 1/2 hrs each a week and 2 clinical days 12 1/2 hrs each.Are you in fast paced program?


Yep, I'm in an accelerated program, and I can't wait for graduation at the beginning of May. I will be so glad when it's all over. Glad you are doing well in your program. We'll be out before you know it.

Specializes in ICU.

ABSN program for me too......Grad in May (honors :specs:)

It's doable, but you have to focus and stay focused.

We have 2 class days sometimes 3 if its a 3 course sememster(4.5 hours each) with 2 days of clinicals as well but our program is 14 months...........I don't see how you can actually learn what you need to learn in 5 weeks considering our are 15 weeks and somethings even we have to skip.

I think the ABSN programs are awesome! To be able to get a BSN in about 1 to 1-1/2 years is awesome. I chose it because I really wanted to get everything done quickly. It is not for everyone, but for those that can put 110% into it, it's definately do-able.

I SECOND THAT I am also in an accelerated program and I cannot wait for August 9th, 2008. Graduation day!!!!:balloons:

I think the ABSN programs are awesome! To be able to get a BSN in about 1 to 1-1/2 years is awesome. I chose it because I really wanted to get everything done quickly. It is not for everyone, but for those that can put 110% into it, it's definately do-able.
I heard the same thing from others, by the time you realize what you've gotten yourself into, graduation is around the corner and you're done with the program.
Yeah, that's how I feel. I'm still not 100% sure that this is what I want to do, but I'm graduating this December, so oh well!

I'm in an accelerated BSN program. I think it was too hyped up about not working and losing your social life during the program. It definitely isn't a walk in the park though. I just figure if people time manage they could do whatever they want during the program.

In my class we started out with 80 students and we're down to 60. Luckily we didn't lose anyone last semester and I'm sure that everyone left will be graduating this December.

The only problem that I'm having with this course is the HESI. I have to pass this in order to graduate even if I pass all my classes with 4.0s (A's). Blah...

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