anyone for Nevada licensure? pls help.


im applying for nevada nclex licensure (CES is being done now). anyone on that road too? if yes, can you please share your way of processing your application? im having some confusion over some things in their application process and it would really help a lot if you can share your experience. thanks.

Hi. Welcome to

Would you be more specific on w/c part are you having troubles with so that your fellow posters can help you out.

hi there. yes, sorry.

well, these are the questions:

1. when is the best time to send the fingerprinting card?

2. what kind of cheque was used to pay for the fingerprinting? it says money order. do we have money order in the phils.?

3. how long does it take nevada board of nursing process the application (after getting the ces report)?

4. when is the best time to register in pearson vue? while the bon is processing my application and how long should i wait before i register with pearson to get my att?

to anyone who applied in nevada: please share your experience, too.

thanks for welcoming me :)

Hi. Welcome to

Would you be more specific on w/c part are you having troubles with so that your fellow posters can help you out.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

best wait for pearsonvue until you get the ok from BON and when you register with pearsonvue you will get ATT

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

if you do a search on key points on your questions I am sure they will have been answered already even if for other BONS the answers are generally the same ie money orders registering with pearsonvue

and welcome to the site :D

You can use bank draft a.k.a. demand draft. The procedure is that you have to go to a bank you have an account with or let someone do it for you (i.e. parents or friends) if you don't have an account yet. There is a fee for the draft and just buy dollars (convert) from your peso account to the appro. fee. Of course the bank will do this for you and exchange rates is accdg. to indv. banks. If you have a dollar account then no problems.

Banks, require you to give them a copy of the fee schedule w/c contains the amount and address of the recipient.


Pls. check your respective State BON on when they want the f.print cards but usually f.print cards are submitted together w/ your application form and fee to the State BON. Even of CGFNS submitted the CES report to Nevada State BON if they (NV BON) do not have the application forms and fee yet then they won't give you eligibility as well since you haven't applied officially yet to their BON if they don't receive your application forms and fees and you usually send the f.print cards together w/ those, unless they specifically say you can submit it directly to a 3rd party that does the f.print card process.

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