Published Aug 13, 2006
8 Posts
I am just wondering if anyone has applies to or is planning on applying to JJC in Illinois for their LPN program.
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
You might get a better response by posting in the Illinois forum.
I know a few students in the RN program, but not the LPN program. Best of luck to you!
wouldn't the Illinois nurses forum be for Nurses not students? The thread was for nursing students? Correct me if I am mistaken.
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
The state forums are for ANYONE. Your best response for a specific nursing program is in the state forum where the program is located.
Good luck.
4,007 Posts
Hi! I am just wondering if anyone has applies to or is planning on applying to JJC in Illinois for their LPN program.
I know the RN Program is pretty backed up.
Sunshine Sweetheart
95 Posts
I know a few girls that are in the program and some that have come out of it. There is a waiting list for the program but by Aug 07 if your number has not been called you will have to reapply with the new admission criteria as there will no longer be a waiting list. They are trying to focus on grades because they have had a lot of students not make it. From my understanding they did not like taking students that had a 2.6 GPA opposed to a student with a 3.6 GPA. AT JJC as long as your GPA was above a 2.5 and you did your time on the list you had a spot as where as other schools had a selection process. Go to the website and they will explain the new criteria it is bascially a point system. The RN program and LPN program is basically the same. The LPN students and the RN students attend the same classes together during the first year but the RN students contiune on to the second year where as the LPN students don't. There have been many students that had the intention of only doing the first year becuase they needed the money ASAP, but contiuned on to second semester and worked as a LPN during their last year. JJC does let their students sit for their LPN even though they are going on to do the RN program.