Published Mar 13, 2005
897 Posts
Looks like I'm going to the new Mayo campus 16 month accelerated program. I'm sure there will be growing pains, but it should be worth it.
437 Posts
Wow, I didn't know that existed, is there a link to read about this program?
About 10 months ago ASU and Mayo annouced collaborative efforts in both biomedical research and nursing education. Here's a link to the nursing education portion:
2 Posts
Belated congratulations! I will also be starting this program in two weeks. Which learning community will you be in?
Curious1alwys, BSN, RN
1,310 Posts
Congratulations Kabin!! Good for you!!:cheers: :w00t:
That's a good question, I don't know. I'm not even sure what a "learning community" is.
What about you?
It's going to be real busy, real soon.
That's a good question, I don't know. I'm not even sure what a "learning community" is. What about you?
When we registered at orientation we were split into two groups. Each of these groups is a learning community. It is my understanding that each group will have a different clinical instructor and that we will belong to our assigned group for the duration of our program. I was on the far side of the room (where the Mayo representatives were located). The line number I received for our clinical class was 17245.
I apologize for not being clearer in my first reply. Have you had a chance to look at our syllabi yet? It really looks like we will be busy!
I remember now, I was in the group located farthest from the front of the room relative to where the presenters stood. And I was never clear about the reasons for breaking the group up, but it makes sense after you explained it.
I looked at the syllabi and I agree, we're going to be busy. This last week I've been reading the pharm book and study my old patho notes. Saunder's spells out pharm in detail, which is good, but I think he may over do it at times.
Have you logged into Eriworld yet? I think it was recommended for review, but the website said to limit the # of logins are we were only allowed so many. I declined to fully login until I knew more about the login situation.
330 Posts
So, Its been 2 years since you started a 16 month program. Can we get an update? I am looking into ASU's William's Field accelerated program. Thanks!
Times flies! PM sent.
When ASU sent u an acceptance letter, is it in a regular envelopes? big envelopes? anytin special? thx