Anyone else discouraged?

Nursing Students Student Assist


I am a first semester RN student, I am also 46 years old....if that matters!

I had never taken any college classes untill 2 years ago, at that time it had been 28 years since I graduated from high school. I finished up all of my pre reqs with a 3.8 GPA. It was not easy, I studied alot, prayed even more. Well now that I am in nursing school, I feel like I am truly studing as much as I can, every spare minute.Before the tests I feel like I know the material inside & out. But I never do as well as I should (in 4 tests I have a B,C,D,C) I cried for 2 days after the D. Am I memorizing too much? I can always get the multiple choice questions down to two that sound right, but I always pick the wrong one! Most of the tests are over 25+ chapters and endless lecture notes, there is no way to get it all in my brain. I have tried focusing on the lecture notes, but there is always material in the tests that isn't covered in lecture. I can't learn everything in 25+ chapters....The class average is always right at my test score so I know I am not alone.

PLEASE give me some study tips!!!!! I am second guessing my career chioce/change!

Thank you all for allowing me to vent!

If your class has Objectives for the chapters try answering them. For the first time in any of my classes I started using the free websites.. I don't know what books you are studying but Kozier's Fundamentals of Nursing has a great site which quizes you per chapter.

Second, throw away your eraser! My teacher has threatened the class to start confiscated them because second guessing has lowered alot of grades.

The comments about not memorizing are important to.. don't strive to be able to spit back the 2 pages.. it would be better in the long run if you can put it in your own that make sense.. even if it is only 1/2 paragraph. The more you learn, you can look back and add to it. Good luck!

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