Anyone from Charity School of Nursing?

U.S.A. Louisiana


Hello, I'm new here and this might be in the wrong forum, but I tried. I'll be starting at Charity School of Nursing in New Orleans soon, and I was wondering if someone could give me a heads up to what the program is like and how demanding it tends to be. I'm actually already halfway towards my BSN at Loyola (I planned ahead) so once I become a RN i'll just have to finish up my degree w/ nursing courses. Anyway, all info would be great. I did exceptionally well in all of my prereqs, but I am a male, and I've heard horror stories. So any info would be greatly appreciated.

NICELY SAID nogurl :-)

at charity school of nursing/delgado, you have to have a 70%. i'm taking the teas test wednesday, october 28th, at 10:00am. wish me luck!!

Good luck Rynique on your TEAS exam. I failed the TEAS on September 23rd, 2009. I was hoping to apply to Charity for Fall 2010, but my plans were shattered. Now I am going to apply to the LPN program for Fall 2010. I really want to be an RN but I guess its not meant to be. Failing the TEAS had a lot to do with my decision to not try anymore for the RN degree. I'm too scared to fail it again.

Well, I am sure you will do fine. Stay focused and be positive.

I'll say a prayer for you so you do excellent! :)

Good luck Rynique on your TEAS exam. I failed the TEAS on September 23rd, 2009. I was hoping to apply to Charity for Fall 2010, but my plans were shattered. Now I am going to apply to the LPN program for Fall 2010. I really want to be an RN but I guess its not meant to be. Failing the TEAS had a lot to do with my decision to not try anymore for the RN degree. I'm too scared to fail it again.

Well, I am sure you will do fine. Stay focused and be positive.

I'll say a prayer for you so you do excellent! :)

Thank you so much for the supportive message!

I think should try again. What's the worst that could happen? At least if you don't get it again and you go the LPN way, you can obtain your RN online as long as you are already a LPN. Also, Our Lady Of the Lake College only wants a 67% for the TEAS. Don't know what you made, but you should make a plan B. That is my plan B if all does not go well. Hit me back and let me know what you decide.

I am a graduate of Charity School of Nursing. I will tell you the truth. I can not say that all of the teachers are the best. I knew more about the body and how it works than some of the instructors that taught there, but I was only 2 courses from getting my bachelors in Biology when I started at Charity. I can also say on Charity's behalf that I know more about anatomy, physiology, and how the body works now more than most nurses that have been around for a long time. Many of the instructors are very good and the clinical experience is excellent. I read someones reply below about Charity being put on "academic probation as of 2008 due to poor nclex scores". I don't know what the class of 2007 did to bring the school to that position, maybe post Katrina shock, but I graduated in December 2008. My graduating class scored in the top 97% in the nation as far as pass rate.

The thing is that not many get accepted into CSN and only a small fraction of them graduate. My point is you must be exceptional to get in. They weed out many just to keep the pass rate high. Many quit or flunk out with a sour grapes attitude. It is an extremely hard school. You can get through it only if you are devoted to making studying you whole life for the next 2 years. I had a 3.8, with physics and calculus behind me, when I went in and I was glad just to get a C on an exam. Do not quit on the school. After I graduated I found out about what CSN means to potential employers. It means you are exceptional. One last thing, there was no way I could finish my Bio Degree while still in Charity. Too much to study in nursing school. There are many Dr.s in my family and they all say they didn't have as much material to study on any one test at any time when they were in med school. At CSN you have to know just as much as you would have to know at any university but a four year program in shoved into 2 years, so 1 semester at Charity is like 2 at another. It is worth it.

The best thing to do about any text books in school - ever - is to get them at amazon, get a used copy and an edition behind for the best price. I still have my books. Keep them you will need them later if you want to refresh. You do need them in school because if you do not understand something you must look it up and read about it.

The next best thing I can tell you to do is order Hurst Review Physiology, and Hurst for nclex. It will not only help you pass the nclex but it will help get you through school. Also use the tutorials on medline plus website. And for Nursing for Adult Clients II go to

this address -

As far as being a guy, you've got it made. The clinical instructors will love you. The girls will be after you.You will make many friends for life.

The thing is that not many get accepted into CSN and only a small fraction of them graduate. My point is you must be exceptional to get in. They weed out many just to keep the pass rate high. Many quit or flunk out with a sour grapes attitude. It is an extremely hard school.


So do you think that b/c I failed my TEAS a month ago I should quit trying to be RN? An exceptional student wouldn't have failed the test right?

It was hard for you having a 3.8 GPA and lots of Biology background. I guess that means I should forget about applying.

Those that have quit or flunked out should still be proud. They were actually picked and accepted into the program. That means they were exceptional to start out with. Things happen and maybe they were not able to devote as much time as needed.

I can imagine it must be hard but there are a lot of Charity graduates so it can be done.







Thanks dearly. Getting ready to leave for the drive in a few. I will let you know later today how it turned out.

:heartbeat :eek:

I passed my TEAS exam today......YAY!!!!!




I just want to thank you again for the support.

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