Anyone attending cox college

U.S.A. Missouri


I was wondering if anyone on here is going to cox college nursing program. :heartbeat

I am starting Cox College BSN program January '15. How is the Cox College BSN program compared to MSU BSN program? How are the classes, and the grades at COX College. I went to MSU college but I transferred to COX college BSN program due to some personal problem. So I wanted to get some feedback about the BSN program at Cox College. My ultimate goal is to become Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, and GPA is an important thing. How is the grading and classes at BSN program of Cox College, if anyone of you have went to Cox College please give me some feedback. Thank you!

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.

Well from the students that came from MSU that I talked to said their grading started at 70% as a C at cox 75% is passing. I believe they (msu) thought that test and grading wasn't that bad. Cox is challenging and 74.99% will cause you to fail. I can't honestly tell you if the actual courses are comparable. Good luck to you! Congrats on starting nursing school!

How did you find the education system at COX college, is it doable to get A's if you study hard. I have 4.0 gpa at all the pre-med science and math classes that I took at Msu and wants to good in studies at nursing school. So I could get into anesthesit Program after completing nursing program. Thank you for sharing your experience, I really appreciate it.

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.
How did you find the education system at COX college, is it doable to get A's if you study hard. I have 4.0 gpa at all the pre-med science and math classes that I took at Msu and wants to good in studies at nursing school. So I could get into anesthesit Program after completing nursing program. Thank you for sharing your experience, I really appreciate it.

Well I will tell you now I was in the ASN program and most of us were 4.0 students and majority of the class came out around the 3.5 gpa. There were a few that came out with 4.0 maybe 3. I was at a 3.8. We started with 42 students and I believe only 28 graduated from my original class. We had students that had chemistry, statistic, and other degrees that had a hard time with test. They are changing somethings in the program so I am not sure how that will affect your grades. I do know you will come out prepared to be a RN and pass NCLEX. I passed the first time in a little over 40 minutes and 75 questions ( personally I thought it was challenging but felt it wasn't hard because they prepared me). Which if you do not pass NCLEX you will have a hard time becoming a RN. I think you should focus on being a good student and a good nurse. Impress your clinical instructors and nurse mangers so that you can get hired in the department you want like the icu. (Make sure you are positive, team worker, and willing to learn...not an individual or know it all) Also if you are lucky enough to get offer a job at Cox for critical cluster take it. The mercy icu residency program is not comparable. (As a class we are comparing...the ones that got hired at either hospital) While you are at Cox become an ambassador if possible and join sga or sna or both. Sit on as many committees as possible. I have gotten into my masters program because of that with great is nice when the president of the school writes letters of recommendations for you and they are good because he really knows you and has worked with you on several projects. I have seen several students with 3.0 get into CRNA school. They look for the whole package. I just finished 3 twelves so I am really tired and hope this makes since. Please write any questions you may have and good luck!

I am really thankful for your informative advices. I just applied and since my gpa is really nice. I will get accepted and start my bsn classes from January 2015. What suggestion would you have for me to excel in nursing classes? Which classes in all of your nursing program you find the hardest? How can I prepare myself to do good in nursing program? How difficult did you find the nursing program? I am really excited to start nursing program in January 2015, and wanted to do good. I am really glad that there are people like you who can share their experience with new students or upcoming students. It's really helpful! What did you find the most difficult or challenging thing during your nursing program years? How would you rate cox nursing program from your experience? Sorry if I am bothering you with all of my questions, it's just I wanted to be well prepared ahead. Thank you a lot!

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.
I am really thankful for your informative advices. I just applied and since my gpa is really nice. I will get accepted and start my bsn classes from January 2015. What suggestion would you have for me to excel in nursing classes? Which classes in all of your nursing program you find the hardest? How can I prepare myself to do good in nursing program? How difficult did you find the nursing program? I am really excited to start nursing program in January 2015, and wanted to do good. I am really glad that there are people like you who can share their experience with new students or upcoming students. It's really helpful! What did you find the most difficult or challenging thing during your nursing program years? How would you rate cox nursing program from your experience? Sorry if I am bothering you with all of my questions, it's just I wanted to be well prepared ahead. Thank you a lot!

I would like you to try and remember everyday why you wanted to be a nurse! There are going to be hard days. Studying for a nursing exam is very different than any class you have ever taken. I advise you to get a Hesi book and study it. It goes over the content you will study for your nursing classes and the hesi exams you have to take every semester. It is a comprehensive book for nclex. You need to study the content but also do enough questions to be prepared for test. Doing questions that are NCLEX style is going to be the best way to prepare for test and NCLEX. You are going to study everyday so make sure you plan moments of relaxation in there. Study by yourself then in a group. You need to understand content before you head into the group but if you are in a group they can clarify something you did not understand. This is important and most of the people who were successful did this. Now the group may be only 2 people or three but that is okay! You will be with them for a long time and they will be there for you on good test and bad test. You will have bad test we all did but be able to learn from it. The program is difficult and if it was easy (all you had to do is study and you would do well) everyone would do it. I don't think I need to tell you that you must study but you have to learn what is working for you and what is not. The first hurdle will be learning NCLEX style questions. Look at the question, don't focus on one part. Once you figure out what the question is asking you then look for an answer. After you got the answer make sure it fits the question. Sometimes there are 2,3, or all the answers are right but which is more right. Which class is the hardest...I think they are equally hard :) but try to make the subjects interesting and fun! I don't know if you will take this advice but don't study the day before big test. I just always did better not studying before. Once I failed a hesi I got 747 and you needed a 750 to pass. My professor told me she knew I knew the material and not to study any more just take the test. So I did. I scored an 1180 on the next one without studying. I think you boggle your brain if you study the day before. I was told your brain needs time to remember what you study so you must have breaks and sleep. Try to break your studying to 1 hour with 15-20 minute breaks. Now remember there are good points and bad points to every school. There are going to bad and good professors. But really your education is what you make it. I feel that cox prepared me to be a nurse and have a lot confidence to practice nursing at work currently compared to other programs and also take the NCLEX. Now there were days I hated the program and wished I had went some where else but that is true for all programs. The most important thing to do is to talk to your mentors and learn from them. As you become upper class student help the new students. I felt this helped me refresh or older material. Man that was a lot of writing and I hope I didn't bore you to death. I am always here if you need :) just post a question and I will try my hardest to answer! Oh practice at the sim center whenever you can. I understand that all the equipment my not be there because other classes may be using it but being in the lab helps prepare you for clinical check off. Good luck to you!

Thank you very much for the useful reply. And I will let you know if I have any further questions. No way, it wasn't boring at all lol :)

One of my friend is 24 yrs old and willing to pursue BSN or ASN. But he has to complete pre requisites for the both programs. He says BSN takes 5.5 years and ASN takes 3.5 years at Cox College. What would you recommend for him as the most beneficial and convenient action to take right now? He is an international student on I 20 F1 visa.

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.

I went with the asn program because once your pre reqs are done it is 4 semesters. After that you can work while you get your bsn. I could have done either because I had the pre reqs for both done. I will be finish with my bsn while working at the same as people starting a semester after me in a bsn program and master will be done in spring 2016. It is all up to you what you want to do. I also like thinking about 4 semesters instead of 6, just think you can only fail one class while in nursing school. If you pass the first 4 you graduate and are done :) I have known some bsn students fail out last semester. It is a tough decision. Good luck!

Awesome, he said he will go with ASN program at cox :) Hello, my friend is in the MSU program and was thinking of transferring to cox bsn program. Is this possible? And how soon can my friend transfer? Thanks! I told him about the cox college, and he is interested in the college.

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.

You will have to talk to admissions and see if they will transfer the credits. Sometimes they do and sometimes they do not. If he is in the program he probably should stay put because the next class won't start until spring and deadline is probably close or already passed. Best thing to do is call cox but why does he/she want to leave msu?

He said MSU nursing program has no life for students. And also, some of the professors are very disorganized. Also, he heard about cox college that if he do good can get an internship, more clinical based. Rather than going to different hospitals, cox college clinically are affiliated with cox hospital. That's what he told me. What do you think?

Specializes in Primary Care; Child Advocacy; Child Abuse; ED.

Well I have heard that Cox programs is harder than MSU. Cox students definitely don't have a life until after graduation. MSU which passing is at 70% Cox passing is 75%. Now the clinical experience is awesome! I haven't heard anyone having trouble getting internship if they wanted and most of our class was placed in the specialty they wanted as far as when they were hired. If he/she is looking for easy Cox isn't it :) most programs no matter where you go are going to have some disorganization. Like I said before it is up to you to make the best of it!

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