Published Mar 6, 2015
I was just wondering who all has applied to GSCC for Fall 2015 RN Program?
I have taken the TEAS, finished all of my prerequisite classes, and applied. Now the waiting game begins!
4 Posts
Can you give us an idea of what your last couple of semesters were like as far as days and times you had classes? Thanks!
21 Posts
For the 1st semester (depending on when you take Pharmacology, if you take before fall then this will really be your second semester, if that makes sense) you'll go about 3 days a week for class & lab, Mondays and Wednesdays were all day. Tuesday and Thursday are lab days (these are divided groups so you don't go both days) One class is a 10 week class so once that's over your load will lighten a lot. Add in clinicals & some weeks you'll go every day. Times were 8 am to about 3-330. Lab days were only 3 hours long.
2nd semester is 2 days a week. Monday, Wednesday. There are a few labs but you finish those up that semester. You'll have a test every Monday and every Wednesday. Then you'll have clinical mixed in. Times were 8-3.
3rd semester (I'm in now), you go Monday & Tuesday, half days (830-1230) with a test every Monday. This is the semester you'll do clinical at Children's in Birmingham. It's a lot of info in 1 semester! Each semester your amount of clinical days will grow in number & length. First semester the days are 6 hour days, second & third semester they are 8 hour days. (Except for peds, those are 6 hours)
Hope this helps! I'd show a picture of my calendars but it would overwhelm you!
Ouch!! I still have to take two of my core classes and looking at the schedules, I really don't see how I'll ever for that in. Thanks so so much.....
Just take it a semester at a time if you can! We had one girl taking AP2 during 1st semester, just struggled but she did it. Just had to take it at night, catch it online if you can! You'll make the right decision no matter what & once you get started you'll meet lots of people to help get you through it!
Do you know the locations for clinicals in each semester?
It's different but they mainly use Riverview, Gadsden Regional & RMC in Anniston. You can make a request to be at one of those if it's close to your house but they don't always promise you'll be there & they definitely can't promise it for every semester. OB & PEDS is done at Gadsden, RMC & Marshall Medical.
I just can't thank you enough for all your help!!! Good luck in your endeavor, you're getting close to the finish!