Anybody in Indiana graduate from Excelsior?


Specializes in interested in ICU or peds.

I am just curious to see if anybody had any problems getting jobs. Do Community, Clairan, St. Vincent hire Excelsior grads? Also, does the Indiana State Board of Nursing give approval to Excelsior grads to take the NCLEX? I have read posts from people in Georgia, about the Georgia SBON not approving Excelsior grads to take the NCLEX. I am excited about the idea of this school in comparison to the other (few) options for LPN-RN programs in Indiana. I just want to know if it's too good to be true.

You can find out if your state allows EC grads to get a license with out without stipulations by calling them and asking directly or you can get that info from Excelsior College. For that matter, call the HR department of each of the facilities you mentioned and be direct with your question.

Specializes in Revenue Integrity, Rehab, RAC Auditor.

I am doing the EC program now. I work with a few people at St. Vincent that have graduated from Excelsior and now work at St V's.

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