Any UAB nurses out there?


Hi everybody,

I will be graduating from Jeff State in August and I am VERY interested in the RN internship program that UAB has to offer and was wondering if there are any nurses out there who work at UAB or have gone through the internship program. The representative,Terri, came and talked to us last week and according to her UAB is a great place to work and most nurses really love their job. Apparently, if you do the internship, they want you to commit to 18 months of employment, I am already aware of that. I just don't know a lot about UAB (only did one rotation there) and it would be nice to hear from some nurses who are already familiar with the hospital and could possibly give me some insight on what it's like to be employed there. Thank you so much!


Specializes in Peds.

Well, I do not work at UAB (anymore), but I did the RN internship program. I actually did the internship for women's and infant's. The selection process is VERY limited. In my area, over 300 applied, they interviewed 50 and selected 8. My orientation RN was awesome! I loved most of the areas. I had a bad experience with a couple of preceptors. Once I was through with the internship there were no job openings in ANY of the areas I chose. So I quit. UAB is a HUGE hospital. It is easy to get lost.:) You'll see things there you will not see anywhere else. I would advise to make sure your ready for a big change. I'm sorry to say, I found out that not everything Terri said was true. Just my thoughts

Thanks Aimee03 for your input. These are the things I'm wanting to find out. Terri makes it sound real good. My interest is in critical care and would like to settle down with a job in that area when all is said and done.


I have worked at UAB since 2001. I absolutely love it. I have worked in CCU, MICU, HTICU and worked some over time in the SICU.

There are days when you feel totally lost and feel like "just a number", but at the same time, there are so many things that you can become involved in as a nurse.

The benefits are great......granted I don't particularly care to pay for parking, but if you have ever tried to find parking around UAB, then you will be happy to pay it.

There is a true sense of team work. There are so many students that come through there that everyone learns something from someone. The majority of the attendings are great to work with.

The internship is competitive. If you want it bad enough dont let anyone discourage you from trying.

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