Published Sep 10, 2009
66 Posts
Hey there, right now I am a student (Lpn) and am worried about my future. I have cataplexy, which is pretty scary. I am just wondering if any of you have this and can make it through the day w/o falling or dropping. I havent had any episodes at school yet because things are pretty ho-hum there.I know that If I were to be surprised, excited, or especially if I laugh or think something is really funny I will drop no matter where Im at.I am def. gonna make an appointment, but for now just looking for some coping techniques, encouragement or tips (not asking for medical advice;) Thanks
Valerie Salva, BSN, RN
1,793 Posts
What will happen when you walk into a pt's room and see that they've pulled their IV out and there's blood on the floor? When a doctor yells? When you are working short-staffed? When a pt codes?
Nursing is sooo stressful... I just don't see how anyone with cataplexy can work as a nurse....
I am not mentally unstable Valerie. I'm sorry but for some reason the examples you gave were kind of offensive to me. My cataplexy is most usually triggered by laughter or a heightened pleasurable emotion, with being startled (like someone jumping out from behind a door). I havent always been this way. Last year I was fine. The examples that you gave prob. wldnt trigger my cataplexy although other simple things could. Its frustrating.But I am looking for encouragement not discouragement, as I obviously already have doubts. Thanks- Forgot to add that I am not unable to control my emotions ie I can handle stress.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,268 Posts
I apologize in advance but in your initial post you said:
"I know that If I were to be surprised, excited, or especially if I laugh or think something is really funny I will drop no matter where Im at."
This would be very concerning because as Valerie pointed out, there are many surprizes in nursing, some pleasant, many not so pleasant.
I found some info at the National Institutes of Health website:
Thanks for the info although I am pretty familiar with what I have :) lol I do have the muscle weakness (cataplexy) and thats the biggest problem for me. I do not "go to sleep" which is a pretty common misconception when I say that I drop, some people make the assumption that I just drop, lay there and sleep, which isnt that case. Although in some severe caes people do go to sleep, I do not. My legs give out from under me and I fall to the floor and have to get right back up. I am concerned that this would happen while I am doing a procedure if I saw something too funny for example. The only portion of narcolepsy that would affect me at work is the cataplexy. I do have ESD but I dont have to sleep at work/at the store/ while driving (things of that nuture). The sleep paralysis obviously wouldnt affect me at work as I have to wake up from sleep to have that. I guess ultimately I will just have to talk to the dr. about treatments that could control the cataplexy, or maybe find some mental coping techniques to block out anything funny. I would never put a pt in harms way by not having control. Maybe I will be able to find a non-clinical area such as case nursing, or phone nursing that I could try. Just looking for a little support......