Published Jul 2, 2012
7 Posts
Hi everyone
I am currently working in a level III NICU at a large hospital as a nurse tech. Although I do not graduate form my BSN nursing program until May 2013 I was wondering what the job outlook at any of the hospitals (particularly at Childrens Mercy, KUmed, etc) in the Kansas City area is like for new grads. I am excited to start my RN career and would appreciate any advice. Thanks :)
27 Posts
Are you currently in the KC area? You might speak to your nurse manager about a RN position for you once you graduate next year. My husband is also a RN and tried for two years to get into Children's Mercy - they have very little turnover and tend to hire their own techs into their RN positions (from what I've been told from people we know that work there). I work for a hospital that has a level II NICU and we do not have any positions open nor do we hire new grads. It's a tough market out there, but I have noticed some hospitals have posted positions specifically for new grads although they are mostly med/surg type of jobs. Best wishes with your last year of nursing school and good luck with the job search.
Unfortunately I don't live in the KC area yet so it makes it even harder to try and get a job right out of school there. However the hospital I work at sends our most critical babies to Childrens so at least there is some sort of connection. I figure it is going to be very tough to get a position in an area like NICU directly out of school ,but I thought I'd find out what hospitals will even look at new grads for hire. Thanks for your feedback!
dirtyhippiegirl, BSN, RN
1,571 Posts
CMH definitely hires new grads but like another poster mentioned, it's a really hard hospital to get in to and they mostly hire their own techs. The new grad interview process itself is absurdly complicated -- for May grads, they have you turning in electronic "interviews" in December because demand for the jobs are so high. lol. I think the interview process is something like five steps before you actually even talk to a real person.
KU also hires a lot of new grads. However, the NICU is pretty small so overall hiring is pretty low. (And the last few new grad NICU openings I saw were for in-house staff only.) PICU census is always incredibly low -- the unit gets closed and nurses floated to other ICUs all the time.
Overland Park Regional has a level 3 NICU; they also hire new grads, but not in the same quantities that the teaching hospitals do.
I think Research's NICU might be level 3. Truman is technically attached to CMH but they also have their own level 3 NICU -- Truman probably hires the most new grads of any hospital in the area and they have a really good orientation program.
Good luck!
10 Posts
CMH has a new grad hiring process that generally begins in December/January. If you keep an eye on the website there will be a new grad Open House in early January. I would make a trip to do that it is normally before the semester starts and on a Saturday. You learn slot about the hospital it's departments and you get to meet nurse educators and nurse managers for their units. I would definitely network!! KU is expanding their NICU and remodeling right now so come this Spring there will be openings. The other thing I would recommend is going to the hospital websites and set up job notifications, that way you will get an email every time a new grad position opens up. KU has started posting jobs and interviewing.
Thanks charlies_nurse for the heads up! I was actually able to attend the open forum for nursing students at CMH in September (which I felt fortunate because I just happened to be looking at their website when they posted it). As a result I am set up to shadow in their NICU this month! I'm glad to hear KU is expanding their NICU, they have a great reputation as well. My school said I could possibly do my capstone at KU or Overland Park Regional Medical Center. I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on that.
I had two classmates who did capstone in the NICU at KU and both got jobs there before graduation!! One if them is still on the unit and loves it, the other moved I think. KU has an excellent reputation and like I said I love it here although I work in one of the adult ICU's.