Any Life care planners???



Are there any certified Life care planners amongst you all? I am about 1/2 way through my training and will be sitting for the certifiction exam hopefully this summer. I was jsut wondering how the test is..the material was boring to begin with but know I am getting into Spinal Injuries, Burns and traumatic birth injuries and it is getting more interesting. Just curious what the exam is like?? Once I am done with that I will tackle the thing at a time:) Erin

What kind of classes are you taking and where? I would like to get into this. Is it difficult? I did WC for a little while, and I found the cost analysis a huge challenge just for the duration of the disability. I can't imagine doing it for a lifetime. Are you also saying the economist does the actual cost analysis for this? So, you determine the care required, and someone else calculates the cost? or do you do both.

Thanks. I am most interested in finding out where I can take a class for this

Yes, the economist does the future projections. I am currently enrolled in the Kaplan college program it is chaired by Paul Deutsch who is somewhat of the "godfather " of LCP. The classes are not hard but it is quite a bit of information. The whole thing is online then I will submit a "mock" LCP for critique after that I can sit for the CLCP which is given all over the USA by Medipros. I am looking forward to doing it but I have honestly been so busy with work comp/ med-mal review that is is kind of the last thing I do..I know some that started with me in July have finished (you have a yr to do it)..I am a little over half way done. Erin

PS I know what you mean about cost savings analysis..I am finally getting used to what "hard and soft" savings are and being able to apply it to my files..

Looking for information. I am a CCM who is exploring gaining certification for Life Care Planner. I am aware of two licensure, the CLCP and CNLCP. I have not been able to get much info from either of their sites.

I would like to know which liciense is most widely recognized and respected and which would you recommend and why.

thanks for your input.

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