Published Aug 29, 2012
21 Posts
Any jobs for new nurses in California?
What is the exact reason for the decline in jobs for nurses compared in the past?
136 Posts
Not 100% sure, there's an exact reason, but more so a combination of reason. Overall bad national economy, the state of CA is going broke (3 medium cities already filed or are in bankruptcy and talks are it's possible LA is broke but delaying the bigger new), hospitals are on very tight budgets, it's very expensive to teach EACH new grad from $25,000 to over $70,000 depending on the facilities and location, Medicare is paying less of the medical cost and reimbursements or are very slow to pay, causing more cash flow issues, there are reported NG programs here that many applicants got thru the interviews only to have the entire program cancelled till another time or some depts. just didn't hire any at all, etc....and these are only partial reasons.
The recent CA BON 2011 survey also reports a near 50% unemployment rate for new grads, of which when you mentioned unlike in the past, there's NO nursing shortage for years, yet the schools kept enrolling new students, with real little chances of landing a job. With the flood of new grads of 2012, this picture is only going to get worse.
If you read the CA site, you'll see it's not unusual to find the hospital with hundred's if not in the thousand's of potential new grad applicants with just a few openings, I read the average ratio is 1:100.
Yes. It's just disappointing that today's situation turn out to be this way. We nurses are just hoping it will turn out better if not I might be also considering changing profession if it gets any worse.
Yep, to add to the effects of the terrible economy, many of the nurses that wants to retire are mostly likely unable to at this point in time, as there's a good chance their retirement plans and funds have lost a lot in value, so it means they must stay on the job longer, work extra shifts, their spouse may be unemployed and it's been a while since the spouse has actually worked or may have taken a reduction in their take-home pay.