Any info on hospitals that will pay my school bill?

U.S.A. Oklahoma


I am out of fin aid since I am about 4 classes from a bio degree. So, I need help with tuition, books, etc. if I get into RSU. Ive heard that St. Johns and St. francis may pay with a commitment to work for them. Does anyone have any experience with scholarships or other ways to pay for school upfront. I have no money, DH is layed off and I cant make enough at my present job to pay for it. Thanks in advance


I'm sorry to hear of your situation and hope that you ARE able to find a program that works for you. Again, try your state's Board of Nursing website. Also try looking on your state's government website. Our's (Michigan) lists programs that will pay off your loans in exchange for working in high need areas (urban and impoverished neighborhoods). If you are able to take out loans to pay up front, a program like that might work for you.

Other options:

- if you are a homeowner, you could take out a home equity loan

- if you have fairly good credit, you could take out a personal / signature loan

- talk with the advisor's at the school you're interested in attending about testing out of some of your classes (typically general ed.) or taking CLEPs for some of the gen. ed. classes -- this would lower the cost overall

- most important --- don't forget to look into scholarship options, your school's financial aid office should have lists of websites you can go to for more info in addition to any that are offered directly through your school

Good luck :up:

Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.
So if your paying it up front what is there to pay if you don't go through. What is there to reimburse. This all is making no since to me. I live in Ozark, AL. Nursing is my dream. Financial aid says I made too much last year so Uncle Sam isn't no help to me. The military won't give me my GI bill because they lied. All I am looking for is a hospital that will be willing to pay for my school and trust I will work for you. Why would anyone ask for a hospital to pay for their school and not work for them. The quote above just didn't make since to me because if I could pay for school myself then I wouldn't be asking for help. Anyway, if anyone has an idea which hospitals truly pay for your school with a contract to work for them in my area please let me know.

Sorry for the fustration in my quote this is just starting to be the most frustrating thing in my life.

Huh GI Bill is not based on income. Have you applied for the post 9/11 GI Bill which is given to everyone starting aug 1 as long as you put your vonapp in have you done that yet??? You don't need to contribute a thousand dollars for the post 9/11 GIBILL you just have to have served after 9/11.

Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.

Thanks and I am sorry. The military for years has been a touchy subject and again I appologize. It isn't the VA office at school. It's simply the military tried to accuse me of a situation and when nothing came up showing I did it, from the stress it gave me being in afghanistan they gave me the option to get out honorable and instead the made me sign under general. So it messed that up for me. I do appologize for acting ignorant. Thanks for your advice.

Have you talked to AmVets? If not talk to them they will help you out petition to change your general into an honorable. If your just complaining but not actually doing anything about it....then STOP COMPLAINING!!!

Not into people complaining and their are sources out there to help them. I know you have the internet since you have an allnurses account. Fix the situation you are in by looking at resources there that are FREE to help you.

I am an AmVets and DAV (disabled american veteran) member and supporter. Contact these groups.

Have you talked to AmVets? If not talk to them they will help you out petition to change your general into an honorable. If your just complaining but not actually doing anything about it....then STOP COMPLAINING!!!

Not into people complaining and their are sources out there to help them. I know you have the internet since you have an allnurses account. Fix the situation you are in by looking at resources there that are FREE to help you.

I am an AmVets and DAV (disabled american veteran) member and supporter. Contact these groups.

Thanks and I have started working on that. For your info on top of that no I wasn't complaining read my title of this again. It might make more since to you. Anyway, thanks for your information and I am taking action on that. I didn't know that was available.

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