Published Apr 7, 2009
solneeshka, BSN, RN
292 Posts
I'll be starting at Barnes-Jewish this summer and I know there are about 10 GNs starting at that time on my unit,and plenty more throughout the facility. Any others out there that want to get in touch or start a facebook group or something? With the crappy job scene these days, I'm tired of not being "allowed" to be excited about my new job!
41 Posts
Congratulations on your new job! I'm still in school at Barnes College of Nursing and will be graduating next year. What department will you be working in? Have any job search or interview tips you'd like to share? Have to get back to doing my careplan now...It must be a relief to be done with those!
You have no idea! But it's replaced by NCLEX woes...
My best advice includes starting early. I interviewed in March but my recruiter told me she had hired some people for the June start back in December. Also, don't just fill out applications online, but call HR. In fact, I didn't fill out any online applications until after I had spoken to HR. Just prentended I didn't really know the applications existed..."I'm a nursing student who will be graduating in May and I wanted to find out what openings you will have for GNs then..." that gets a conversation going that will at least demonstrate that you can handle yourself on the phone. They would usually tell me to go ahead and fill out an online application, but by then we had establishe rapport and they knew to be looking for it, it wasn't just a random application coming through. Also, get a couple letters of reference from clinical instructors especially, and scan them. There will be a spot on the online application where you can attach them. And get a decent resume together, ask an instructor to proofread it and critique it for you. It doesn't matter what you think of it, just what someone reading it thinks of it! If you enjoy the unit where you do clinicals your last semester, definitely try to make yourself known to whoever charges and to the unit manager, ask them if they are hiring, tell them you enjoy it and would like to work there. It seems like these days your chances are better if you're aggressive (in a professional way).
I will be on 14400/14500 and I'm surprised at how excited I am to get started! Enjoy the rest of school. It may not feel like it now, but when you are done it will seem like it went by in the blink of an eye.
Thanks for the tips--they're good ones! (I think I'll print them out and keep them for later in the year so I don't forget!) I was wondering when to start applying, because I know a few people who waited too long and then had a hard time finding something. I will definitely start early!
Good luck!
nurseman78, BSN, RN, NP
199 Posts
I'm interested in working out at Barnes-Jewish when I graduate. I'm from Utah, but Missouri is a compact state, so that shouldn't be a problem. What is the starting wage there? And does that wage allow for a decent standard of living in St. Louis? I don't know much about the cost or quality of living there.
Missouri actually is not a compact state. If you are still in school, then all you do is instead of applying to the Utah Board of Nursing, you apply directly to the Missouri Board of Nursing. If you are unsure of where you will be working, then go ahead and apply to Utah's board; once you are licensed, you can get your license transferred to Missouri. But it's extra paperwork and you have to pay both boards that way. It's better if you already know what your location will be and can apply once. Missouri said that you had to send in the application at least 3 months before graduation, but that's not a hard and fast deadline. I sent mine in I think in April and it was fine (I was also coming from out of state).
Good luck with school!
My dilemma here is that i really want to get into an ICU internship, and I"m willing to relocate anywhere that I can. Utah is one of the states that does NOT have a nursing shortage, so while I know there's a chance I could get a job here, there are more nurses looking for jobs here than in many other places.
I'm just trying to figure out where would be the best places to get licensure. I know for certain that I'm going to get my Utah licensure, so that I can have all of the compact states as an option. Any ideas as to a good strategy?
Also, I misread the ncsbn website, it was "MI" that's a compact state, not "MO". Whoops!