Any Fall 2006 JHU Applicants?


hey everyone!!

i posted a thread in the maryland forum awhile back, but i guess this would be the better place.

thought we could get a little thread going on.

i don't know about everyone else, but i don't know how on earth i'm going to make it to decision time. i know decisions aren't announced until december 15, but i still come home each day checking email and mail for anything jhu related! jhu has been my dream for almost two years.

i still can't believe 1000 applicants for 100 seats. blows my mind.

anyways, so what's everyone applying for? accelerated or traditional? direct-entry or not?

i decided to go traditional. i've worked so hard that if i get in, i want to enjoy jhu and baltimore. i want to get involved in as much as possible, and intern at jhu during the summer.

i do have a question for anyone who has applied early decision before to jhu. i keep hearing how they call those accepted the day the letters go out. does this go for early decision as well? and i guess there's no chance of hearing anything before december 15, huh?:imbar

can't wait to hear from everyone!!




Man, this KINDA gives me hope that not everyone and their mama applied this year, but I thought I saw quite a few people on here say they were applying in other forums here..

**gets down on knees and watches for shooting stars**

Sorry, I am not in the same boat as you, but I wanted to wish you good luck. I am a graduate student at JH, getting my MSN/MBA. Let us know how things go, and feel free to message me if you ever need anything!

Hi NewEastCoastRN!!

Thanks SO much for replying, and with happy thoughts, no less!!

I just seem to go through so many moods each day: optimism, pessimism, excitement, sadness, what am I doiiing?, you know....:imbar

I wish you ALL the luck in your program--that's an awesome direction to go in!!:balloons:

Specializes in Burn/Trauma PCU.

hey girl ~

also wanted to give you some encouragement, even though i am not going for jhu. my cousin went there for her Accelerated BSN - i think she was originally doing the direct entry program, but after the bsn portion she decided to stop (personal reasons that weren't related to how she felt about jhu, so don't worry!). anyway, she loved the program, and though she said it was "pretty brutal" in difficulty, she also said it was well worth it. i don't think she was a huge fan of baltimore, but that was just personal preference.

good luck! i know this is a hard time, but i'm praying for a big ol' yessss! from baltimore for you!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Peachyyyyyyy! You know I am sending my best thoughts and prayers to you. 1000 for 100 seats wow. I was the same way a couple weeks ago. My school only has 30 spots so the pressure was on as well.

I know that you will be chosen. Let us know as soon as you find out.

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