Any CNMs in Austin, TX here?



I am probably moving to Austin, TX in the near future and have been thinking about becoming a midwife (Frontier most likley) in the next 1-2 years. I am concerned about the job opportunities in Austin (or lack of) b/c when i lived there last year there was 1 birthing center and North Austin just started letting one practice have privilages. Any advice from midwives in Austin? Is this an unrealistic dream of mine?? Thanks!

Specializes in Med/Surg, Maternity, Gyn.

I wish I had info for you... I am wondering the same thing about San Antonio, TX. I am probably moving there with in the next 5 years and I plan on applying to Frontier's CNM program this year. I have done a little reasearch and it just doesn't seem that CNMs are popular in TX. Currently I live in PA and they are in every OBGYN practice here.

Hi guys I am currently on the quest for a advanced degree myself and in the research stages I live in San Antonio Tx and am familiar with Austin as well. I have to say I use to do case management so I was in a multitude of hospitals and facilities. I just don't hear much about home births. There is several birthing centers. I think the practice of midwifes may be being linked up with the docs for the other proceedural things like exams and calls home visits maybe but it seems most of home stuff is happening in the rural areas. Not big hospitals. However It seems that NP in family practice are totally branching off getting together and even having their own offices and getting physician re-imbursement. Course the AMA is having a field day with that one. good luck

Sorry blueindigo, there aren't a lot of options in central Texas for CNM's. I'm actually leaving the state due to 1) a lack of options and 2)dissatisfaction with my current practice. You're right, there is one practice in North Austin and I doubt those midwives are going anywhere soon, the birthing center and home birth. I believe there is a triage position at Brackenridge Hospital but I'm not really sure on the details of that position. Definitely not full scope though. San Antonio doesn't get much better. Sorry, but hopefully things will improve when you are done with your programs. I hope so too--really love Austin and its a shame to leave a city you like so much, but one must pursue better opportunities. Good luck ladies!

Specializes in L&D.

Here is another thing to think about: there is a nation-wide push for all advanced practice nurses to be doctorate prepared after 2015. If you are thinking of pursuing an advanced degree, now is the time, whether there are opportunities in Austin or not. You may be the person who starts to change how women's healthcare is delivered in Texas! I face the same challenge where I live, but I am not letting that keep me from pursuing my dream. I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

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