Any Boulder/Fort Collins area nurses?


Hi Everyone!

I'm graduating in December of this year (yipeeeeee!!!!) and am seriously looking to move to the Boulder/Longmont/Loveland/Fort Collins area. I've read about Longmont United Hospital and it sounds absolutely wonderful. It seems like they really honor the value of complementary therapies...something I feel VERY strongly about. Does anyone know anything or have heard anything about this hospital? Do they hire or offer any programs for new grads? I'm also looking at Boulder Community Hospital and Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins. Any info would be wonderful!!!

My Nephue John 's wife Andraia ia a new grad just a couple years ago and she may be willing to provide some information for you I think she may be studing while working to become a MId Wife or a Nurse Practiceiner. I can give her your email if you want and let her know who and where I met you if you want.

JB Colorado Springs

I just recently moved to an area a little east of Boulder. Since I'm planning on being a SAHM (got a 3 mo. old son!) for now, I haven't really dug deep into the job search yet. But I was a pt @ Boulder Community Foothills Hospital about a month ago. That place was amazing! I grilled every nurse I had about the place, and everyone raved about it. For instance, on the med/surg/ped unit, the ratio is 4-5. Pay is great. The hospital is only a couple of years old and looks like a palace. I got music therapy, massage therapy, and room service while I was there :). I didn't want to leave!

Specializes in LTC, Agency, HHC.
Hi Everyone!

I'm graduating in December of this year (yipeeeeee!!!!) and am seriously looking to move to the Boulder/Longmont/Loveland/Fort Collins area. I've read about Longmont United Hospital and it sounds absolutely wonderful. It seems like they really honor the value of complementary therapies...something I feel VERY strongly about. Does anyone know anything or have heard anything about this hospital? Do they hire or offer any programs for new grads? I'm also looking at Boulder Community Hospital and Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins. Any info would be wonderful!!!

Unless you are an RN graduate, they only have new grad programs for you. I am a new LPN and looks to me I'll have to get a job in a nursing home where I don't want to work. I went to school to learn skills not just do 1 or 2. Go to the hospital websites and contact the nurse recruter.

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