Any Applicants for OCC LPN 2009 Program



Just wondered if anyone has applied to the Oakland Community College LPN program which starts Winter 2009.

The acceptance/denial letters are supposed to be mailed by Sep 15th.

Hope to hear from other applicants waiting to receive the results and give each other some moral support in the interim

2CatLover :redbeathe

hi, Im taking pre-req's still. start chem next week, nervous.

i am still not sure if i want to go that route, but was thinking of the lpn program.

had a group interview today at assisted living place. kinda depressed about it, have no experience or references.

wish i could find a job for the weekends

I applied for the OCC LPN program for 2009 and am anxiously awaiting. Can I ask what your GPA is 2CatLover? Mine is a 3.8. It seems like everyone I talked to in my Anatomy and Bio classes were going for the RN program so it's nice to hear from a fellow LPN applicant.

Anne36, I am in the same boat as you. I'd like to get a part-time job at an assisted living home but have no experience. I'm considering a CNA class. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

hi, Im taking pre-req's still. start chem next week, nervous.

i am still not sure if i want to go that route, but was thinking of the lpn program.

had a group interview today at assisted living place. kinda depressed about it, have no experience or references.

wish i could find a job for the weekends

Anne36 I know it's easy for me to say this, but try to relax as much as possible. Anything new can be a frightful experience when you don't have a crystal ball in front of you to see the immediate future. You'll probably find these feelings are common with your classmates in any subject and in just living in today's world of constant changes. You will survive and look back at this time and laugh, "What was I really afraid of"?

For CNA programs, the quickest and least expensive is through the Red Cross (Downtown Detroit main office). I suggest you contact them. It's only about $700 and lasts about 3-4 weeks. As for experience, I just love those jobs that say you must have experience first to be considered for hire. Well, how can you get the experience, if no one will hire you to begin with. What a catch 22 world we live in. I suggest as a starting point, working as a volunteer in a hospital setting and or assisted living to gain experience and knowledge in communicating and servicing the sick and or elderly. Also, by doing this a couple of hours or days a week the person or persons in charge would be part of your references needed. Hope this helps for now. Keep your chin up, and conquer Chemistry - Don't let it conquer you. A little stress is generally a good and powerful motivator. 2CatLover:redbeathe

I applied for the OCC LPN program for 2009 and am anxiously awaiting. Can I ask what your GPA is 2CatLover? Mine is a 3.8. It seems like everyone I talked to in my Anatomy and Bio classes were going for the RN program so it's nice to hear from a fellow LPN applicant.

Anne36, I am in the same boat as you. I'd like to get a part-time job at an assisted living home but have no experience. I'm considering a CNA class. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

Dwern31 Well hello fellow applicant! I’m so glad I decided to post my query and have a reply to it this soon. Also, it’s good to hear the sampling fact about those students applying for RN program outweigh applicants to the LPN program.

I’m happy to hear your GPA is a 3.8,:yeah: this should defintely get you in. According to the Nursing Seminar I attended a couple of months ago. There were 90 applicants for the 2008 program. They accepted only 30. The GPA was 4.0 to 3.5 The class of 2008 was the first time they went by GPA. Of the 30 applicants, approximately 16 of them had applied to both the RN and the LPN programs. Majority of them had 4.0’s and that of course raised the bar for everyone else including myself. I just loved the way the catalog states you need a 2.0 or better, when in reality it should state 3.0 or better. I don’t know about you, but this is deceptive and very misleading to me regarding the GPA for consideration.

At least one new thing they decided on for Class of 2009 – If an applicant decides to apply for both the RN and LPN program, for whichever one they are accepted to the other application is automatically pulled. They cannot have it both ways as was done in past years. As for myself, my GPA is 3.689. I pray this will be enough to get me in. This is my third shot at trying to get in. For 2007, it was still by earliest completion date of pre req’s. Well, because I decided to take A&P II in summer. I lost out, not only because of this, but also, I come to find out, that my high school transcript had legs and was missing from my file. Discovered this fact in Aug of 2007, I thought I was going to have a coronary! Still blows my mind that it was there when the checklist was reviewed and completed for the Jan 2007 program.

For Class of 2008, now for 1st time by GPA, I took Eng comp at MCCC it was 4 credits, and even though it was “transfer equivalent to OCC Eng 1510 they calculated my GPA using the grade with 4 credits and not 3 as I was explained it would be equivalent too. Thus GPA was not high enough. So I took the OCC Eng 1510 this summer 8-week course. So, here I am or I should say we are, with less than 2 weeks to go and hope the 3rd time is the charm. PS High School transcript is there! I made a personal visit recently.

As to the CNA see my note to Anne36. Something else you may be unaware of, if accepted to LPN program and once you complete the programs MED SURG clinical rotation, you will become a Nurse Tech and you could forget about paying for the Red Cross class. Many hospitals and assisted living facilities welcome Nurse Tech’s and will hire you in the hopes that once you graduate, you would consider working for them. I didn’t mean to get so long winded, but so much has happened to me just to try to get in and I’m truly determined. Keep in touch, as we both sweat the bullets on countdown. 2CatLover:redbeathe

2CatLover, thanks for the advice on the CNA. I've really been struggling with that decision. I know I can get hired as a nurse tech after Med Surg clinical but do you know what semester that class is taken? I just want to start working somewhere ASAP. I currently have a part-time job in a real estate office but want to start working in Assisted Living or something health related now for 3 reasons. Number 1 I need some extra income so working a shift or 2 on the weekends or nights would help, and Number 2 to get the experience even before starting nursing school, and 3. to phase out my real estate job when I start the nursing program since it will be so much harder to work a 9-5 job once I'm in and basically have to go to class and clinicals when they tell me to.

That's a bummer about you not getting in last year. That is what I'm afraid of happening...they will lose my transcripts or something will get messed up with the paper work. It sounds like it happens a lot. I called the nursing dept a few months ago after I filled out my checklist with my counselor and they said they had everything for me and were just waiting for my summer grades. I took A & P II and Nurtition this summer and those were my last 2 classes. My A&P II teacher all screwed up my grade and reported an A- when it should have been an A but she is fixing it and she also sent a letter to the Dean of Nursing. It shouldn't make that much of a difference but I guess you never know.

One other question I have for you. Does the 2009 program begin in January or March? I thought it was January but then I saw something that said March. I just hope I get in. I hope you do too. Good Luck!

Hi everyone, Just keeping this topic alive in the hopes there may be other OCC LPN applicants for the Class of 2009 waiting to hear this month if accepted or denied and care to join in.


Hi everyone,

Just trying to keep this topic active in the hopes other applicants are awaiting to hear this month (Sept) on their acceptance or denial letter for the LPN Class 2009. Not only to give each other moral support, but maybe hookup with each other (car pool etc) should we all get accepted.


Hi cat , hope you get in this time around.

I feel so scared about school knowing i have to have straight A's to get in. Dont they put out waiting lists anymore?

Cant believe how many people apply to the number of spots they have in the program. I wonder if they have any plans to expand the nursing program?

Almost sounds like they are running a racket with all the pre-req's that are required being so specific to a program like that. I know there a lot of people in my chem class who are looking to apply for the nursing program, but sounds like most of them probably wont get in.

Mabye I should go talk to a counselor about it. I wonder if all their programs are like that? If so, there must be a lot of students who never get to finish school with any type of degree. And then how do you pay back your loans?

Hi Anne36

Good to hear from you again. Thanks for the well wishes. I hope I get in too! and yourself. Sorry to say, there are no waiting lists. The selection goes by GPA and is on a curve dependant on total number of applicants and their GPA along with if there is a tie (GPA wise) the one with the earliest completion date of their pre req's becomes the final deciding factor.

I strongly suggest you make an appointment with an advisor for the LPN Nursing Program or ADN program with either a Southfield or Highland Lakes Campus only who is more aware of what is happening.

As far as the number of applicants - the medical field is very competive along with the factor of limited class size and instructors wanting to teach nursing. Today's economy and general job outlook - seems like everyone is turning to the medical field for employment security. Years ago, it was the teaching industry and or computer technology, where majority of college students directed their efforts toward their employment future and economic security.

As far as paying back loans, keep in mind their are scholarships available too. Also, if you become hired in a hospital or assisted living setting aka extended care facility aka ECF and work part time, one of the benefits is tutition reimbursemet and or paid tuition (loan forgiveness) program, whereby they will pay up to a set amount and the repayment is negated by pledging to work "X" amount of years for them as repayment for the loan. The human resources department of the facility you may be interesed in working for could answer the specifics regarding this for you. Hope this helps.

Cat Lover,

Taking Chem and its so overwhelming. Dont know how Im ever gonna remember all this info. Did you have Abraham? Any advice?


I took Chemistry, Biology and Algebra in high school and that seems like a 100 years ago (LOL). Sorry, I can't directly answer your question, but maybe someone who took Chem more recently will respond to your question. Also, you could post this question in a topic to generate a better response to your needs.

2CatLover :redbeathe

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