Published Jan 11, 2013
61 Posts
I recently applied for a 6p to 6a job and I got a job offer but I am not sure it I should really take it since I enjoy my job I am at now I work 3-11 even though i dont get the best pay I am comfortable there and from what I heard about the other job I would have about 34 res to do a hs med pass on and then I would have 60 res to take care of from 10:30pm to 6am and 20 of them are in a locked unit that just seems like way too many for me, I would be the only nurse on the floor with 3 aides and there would be a RN and a LPN upstairs on the second floor, I feel like that would just be setting me up for not being able to get everything done. I am not sure what to do should I just stay at the old job or try the new one?
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
If you enjoy your current job, why are you entertaining the thought of quitting?
Enjoyable nursing jobs are not always easy to find. If you like your current place of employment and feel comfortable there, I would stay put and ride the wave for as long as possible.
libran1984, ASN, RN
1 Article; 589 Posts
My heart rate just increased looking at the amount of people you would be responsible for.
An RN coworker once said that ECF nurses "weren't real nurses" and I got very angry because i DARE her to take care of 30 patients at once!!
my Gawd... so many ppl to care for.