Published Jul 27, 2011
5 Posts
Thank you in advance for all your help. I am a new grad nurse going on a year now like a lot of nurses I hear about in az, so I know this would probably help a lot of people too. I was wondering if volunteering at a hospital might help, and if so what hospitals would be the best to volunteer at. Also is there any classes you can take as far as like pals or anything like that that you could take to make yourself look better and where would you go to take them? I am new to Az, so I don't know about a lot of specific hospitals and stuff, so any information would help. Also if there is any nursing homes that hire new grads? Right now, I am just trying to stay positive and do as much as I can. My husband is stationed here, so I am kind of stuck here for another 4 years unless I wanted to move back to Texas which I am really trying to avoid.
ChuckeRN, BSN, RN
198 Posts
Where is your husband stationed, Luke AFB?
What have you been doing since you graduated and since you've been in AZ?
No he is a recruiter so we are not on a base.
I have been looking for a job basically. I got a temporary job at the AZ humane society, but now I am strictly job searching.
There are a few NG programs in the Valley. Mayo has one starting in January, and Abrazo has one that is either pen now or will be opening one soon.
Also, I would start think outside the hospital as well as looking into getting a job as a Patient Tech. I was asked to apply as an ED tech at an Abrazo Hospital in the hopes of getting a better chance at getting accepted into their NG program, but I needed the a RN job.
559 Posts
If you are in Tucson, Look at the hospitals out here. I know a few positions will open up quickly here.