Antidepression meds


I'm very new here and am waiting to start a CNA program this winter, which is a prerequisite to beginning nursing school. I already have a bachelor's degree, but I'm having difficulty finding a job and I don't find the old field at all fulfilling. I'm hoping to be a pediatric oncology nurse one day. My wife seems excited about it as much as I am. Anyway...

I may seek out some help soon for depression I've struggled with for a good five years, but I must admit that I'm somewhat nervous as to what effect this might have on future nursing goals. Do hospitals check what medications applicants are taking? I realize that I shouldn't just let depression slide, but if treating it medicinally could jeopardize my future career, I'd at least like to know in advance.

Thank you!

Specializes in ICU.

Seek the help you need. Don't worry about future will not play a role in the hiring process. You would be very surprised by how many nurses actually take antidepressants.

I have been on an a/d and anti-anxiety since 1995. Just disclose during your physical and there shouldn't be any problems.

Specializes in Neonatal ICU (Cardiothoracic).

I would say that about 30% of the nurses and RTs in my last unit told me they were on Lexapro.

(note to self, buy stock in Forest Pharmaceuticals)

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