I have been in psych now about 7months. I am very disturbed at some of the behaviors exhibited by experienced nursing. Why do some nurses antagonize these patients. Patients are there for a reason, is it really necessary to be sarcastic and use foul language with these patients? could this behavior happen or even be tolerated on any other type of unit?? why is this okay for psych patients? I cant stand it. One of the off-going nurses got in the patients face demanding that he go to his room. The patient back talked, but really he is very psychotic. He went to the doorway and stood in the doorway. That wasn't good enough for the nurse. The nurse got right up in his face, I mean nose to nose, and screamed you better get in that room right now, Im not playing with you... it was just so unnecessary and demeaning to the patient. The nurses posturing was a scary. Granted these patients can be trying, but again that's why there are in the hospital. If your burnt out please allow another nurse to take over, and stop personalizing their behaviors. I really want to report this to the NM, but its such a difficult situation being the new one, complaining about the seasoned one.. ughgh... its just sickening sometimes... very un-therapeutic and sad