Another question for you NICU nurses

Specialties NICU


I was wondering what you guys do about stethoscopes in NICU. I am just starting as a new grad and thinking I probably need to look into buying one. Does your unit have a stethescope designated for each baby or do you use your own when doing assessments?

I REALLY DO NOT want to have to shell out the money for one unless absolutely necessary....go those student loans to pay back, you know!!:p

Specializes in midwifery, NICU.

never mind the stethoscopes, just getting the Doc's to wash their hands and carry out sterile procedures is a major concern when touching the babies! Our babies each have their own stethoscopes, but I agree, everyone uses them, regardless of how well they have washed their hands or how clean their ears are---YUK!:barf02: I had a sore ear, even after cleaning a scope properly before use! interesting point, that the scopes hang outside the incubators, and are just grabbed and used when needed- I will bring this up in our unit, never thought about this before!:idea:

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