Another NET question


I have been reading a lot of posts regarding the NET. I have read that the reading part is really difficult and my question is, Are you expected to finish all of the reading questions? Do they take off for not answering questions? It just seems like a lot of reading in a short amount of time. But then again, I haven't taken it yet. (I will at the end of the month). Thanks.


If I remember correctly, the reading is 30 questions (math is 33) and you are required to answer all of them or they will be counted as wrong. I followed the suggestion in the NET Study Guide. I found it best to read the question and then begin to quickly read the paragraph. As soon as I felt I found the answer, I made my choice and moved on to the next question, without reading the entire paragraph each time. Sometimes, I didn't know what the answer was so I had to finish the paragraph.

I was extremely nervous, and even though I bought a watch for the test, I didn't look at it once. So I think it is critical that you either have a good sense of time naturally, or check to see how fast you are progressing, so that you may adjust your time limits for each question. During my test I lost all concept of time and I could have scored higher if I had just taken a deep breath and found my bearing on how much time remained. I passed, so that's good enough for me.

Good luck to you!!!!

Thank you so much for your reply. I am so nervous. My math skills are really rusty but I have been reading the net study guide and doing the problems at the end. Hopefully, I will pass. Thanks again.


The math part is not too hard. I took a test similiar to the NET. They actually say that its the same thing as the NET just from a different company. The math part was only basic math. Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fraction, decimals, and whole numbers. I had 2 conversion question like gallons to liters. The reading was definately tougher. Also, if youre NET study guide includes science IGNORE it. Science is NOT in the NET. Good Luck to you and let us know how you do.

Specializes in Operating Room.

Just brush up on basic Algebra, ratios, percents, etc.

As far as the reading, it is the harder of the two sections. The schools want to make sure you are literate in English, and have the critical thinking skill necessary to make it through nursing school.

The way mine was set up, each question had to be answered before moving on to the next, and you couldn't go back & change your answer. I do believe unanswered questions at the end are counted against you because it is a timed test.

Watch your time, do not spend too much time on one question. The computer does not time you per question, and then switch to the next question.

If you were to spend 15 minutes on 1 question (an exaggeration), you would only get 4 questions completed per hour & all the rest of the questions would be counted wrong.

Just study the NET Study Guide, reading all the way through the book. The tips at the beginning of the book helps.

Take the practice tests several times between now & when you take the NET, paying close attention to the rationals behind the answers you chose. You need to know why you got an answer incorrect, be able to understand why you got it incorrect, and be able to apply what you learned with the rationals in order to get it correct the next time.

Good luck, you can do it! :)

Specializes in ER.
Just brush up on basic Algebra, ratios, percents, etc.

As far as the reading, it is the harder of the two sections. The schools want to make sure you are literate in English, and have the critical thinking skill necessary to make it through nursing school.

The way mine was set up, each question had to be answered before moving on to the next, and you couldn't go back & change your answer. I do believe unanswered questions at the end are counted against you because it is a timed test.

Watch your time, do not spend too much time on one question. The computer does not time you per question, and then switch to the next question.

If you were to spend 15 minutes on 1 question (an exaggeration), you would only get 4 questions completed per hour & all the rest of the questions would be counted wrong.

Just study the NET Study Guide, reading all the way through the book. The tips at the beginning of the book helps.

Take the practice tests several times between now & when you take the NET, paying close attention to the rationals behind the answers you chose. You need to know why you got an answer incorrect, be able to understand why you got it incorrect, and be able to apply what you learned with the rationals in order to get it correct the next time.

Good luck, you can do it! :)

Perfect advice!!! Also, relax, and try not to stress about it. I didn't do as well on the reading portion as I was hoping, mostly because I was so stressed out from the math portion. Fortunately, I got a good overall score, but I'm still retaking the reading portion, because I want to do better. I'm happy with my math score, so I don't have to stress about that, so I think I will be more relaxed when I retake the reading section. Good luck!

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