Another criminal background check Q...


I tried finding the old thread that someone started a few weeks ago to see if my answer is in there, but to no avail...

I am 27 years young. Ten years ago, when I was 17, I was taken to jail (not juvenile) for getting caught smoking a marijuanna joint. Haven't touched the stuff since then...

When I got my LPN 5 years ago, I had that expunged from my record. I recall the LPN aplication asking if I have ever been *convicted* of a crime. I checked the *no* box b/c I wasn't *convicted* - all charges were dropped. I've never had a problem with that for the 5 years I've been a LPN...

This March, for my last semester in my ADN program, the police (or someone) are coming to my school to fingerprint us, probaby for boards?

I called my BON about it, and she said YES, report that, b/c they may find out. She told me to get a record of the case with proof that charges were dropped, and I should be fine.

Well, when I went to do that today. my courthouse didn't have record of it ANYWHERE. They said that since it's been expunged, nobody will ever be able to get ahold of it since it really doesn't even exist - EXCEPT THE FEDS. So, in a nutshell, I can't get proof.

Is there anyway to find out what is on your federal record? What should I do? Is it a federal check?

This is soooo embarassing to me. I hate for my instructors to find out, and they will. I'm so embarassed.

Also, I heard that you have to report any *mental illness* - I think that's wrong. I was once treated for OCD, but I HIGHLY doubt if my doc would have to report that to anyone - that's confidential and I don't want that getting out, especially to my instructors...I wonder if it's ok to mark "no" on that box - not like I was ever hospitalized!:uhoh3:

I tried finding the old thread that someone started a few weeks ago to see if my answer is in there, but to no avail...

I am 27 years young. Ten years ago, when I was 17, I was taken to jail (not juvenile) for getting caught smoking a marijuanna joint. Haven't touched the stuff since then...

When I got my LPN 5 years ago, I had that expunged from my record. I recall the LPN aplication asking if I have ever been *convicted* of a crime. I checked the *no* box b/c I wasn't *convicted* - all charges were dropped. I've never had a problem with that for the 5 years I've been a LPN...

This March, for my last semester in my ADN program, the police (or someone) are coming to my school to fingerprint us, probaby for boards?

I called my BON about it, and she said YES, report that, b/c they may find out. She told me to get a record of the case with proof that charges were dropped, and I should be fine.

Well, when I went to do that today. my courthouse didn't have record of it ANYWHERE. They said that since it's been expunged, nobody will ever be able to get ahold of it since it really doesn't even exist - EXCEPT THE FEDS. So, in a nutshell, I can't get proof.

Is there anyway to find out what is on your federal record? What should I do? Is it a federal check?

This is soooo embarassing to me. I hate for my instructors to find out, and they will. I'm so embarassed.

Also, I heard that you have to report any *mental illness* - I think that's wrong. I was once treated for OCD, but I HIGHLY doubt if my doc would have to report that to anyone - that's confidential and I don't want that getting out, especially to my instructors...I wonder if it's ok to mark "no" on that box - not like I was ever hospitalized!:uhoh3:[/quote

Go to the state in which it happened and start looking around on Google for background investigations to find the proper agency. You will find a lot of sites and will have to make a few phone calls to get to the right agency but they will tell you where to mail your request and how much money. They also request that you send a set of fingerprints that you can get at your local police station for abour $5 and you will get a paper back with nothing on it but what you were charged with and disposition. Now saying all this, I don't know about expunged, but they would tell you what you need to know.

Good luck



I tried finding the old thread that someone started a few weeks ago to see if my answer is in there, but to no avail...

I am 27 years young. Ten years ago, when I was 17, I was taken to jail (not juvenile) for getting caught smoking a marijuanna joint. Haven't touched the stuff since then...

When I got my LPN 5 years ago, I had that expunged from my record. I recall the LPN aplication asking if I have ever been *convicted* of a crime. I checked the *no* box b/c I wasn't *convicted* - all charges were dropped. I've never had a problem with that for the 5 years I've been a LPN...

This March, for my last semester in my ADN program, the police (or someone) are coming to my school to fingerprint us, probaby for boards?

I called my BON about it, and she said YES, report that, b/c they may find out. She told me to get a record of the case with proof that charges were dropped, and I should be fine.

Well, when I went to do that today. my courthouse didn't have record of it ANYWHERE. They said that since it's been expunged, nobody will ever be able to get ahold of it since it really doesn't even exist - EXCEPT THE FEDS. So, in a nutshell, I can't get proof.

Is there anyway to find out what is on your federal record? What should I do? Is it a federal check?

This is soooo embarassing to me. I hate for my instructors to find out, and they will. I'm so embarassed.

Also, I heard that you have to report any *mental illness* - I think that's wrong. I was once treated for OCD, but I HIGHLY doubt if my doc would have to report that to anyone - that's confidential and I don't want that getting out, especially to my instructors...I wonder if it's ok to mark "no" on that box - not like I was ever hospitalized!:uhoh3:[/quote

Go to the state in which it happened and start looking around on Google for background investigations to find the proper agency. You will find a lot of sites and will have to make a few phone calls to get to the right agency but they will tell you where to mail your request and how much money. They also request that you send a set of fingerprints that you can get at your local police station for abour $5 and you will get a paper back with nothing on it but what you were charged with and disposition. Now saying all this, I don't know about expunged, but they would tell you what you need to know.

Good luck


See reply on the end of your post.



See reply on the end of your post.


Thanks for the tip. I'm searching google right now. some of these sites don't look very legit. I may end up hiring a PI to do it for me. It will probably cost about the same.

I'm sorry to ask....but, what did you mean by "See reply on end of your post?" :)

Specializes in LTC/Peds/ICU/PACU/CDI.

this thread?..."cori and background check question".

if ever you want to find a post or thread that you've participated in....all ya got to do is click onto your name (which is a link to other links) & click on the "find more post by" or click on the "view public profile" & then click on "threads started by." you should be able to find fairly recent posts that way. also...if you read a thread that you didn't participated in...but know of another poster that can do the same-thing except you'll have to click on their name & follow the above links.

hope this make some sense ~ cheers!



Thanks for the tip. I'm searching google right now. some of these sites don't look very legit. I may end up hiring a PI to do it for me. It will probably cost about the same.

I'm sorry to ask....but, what did you mean by "See reply on end of your post?" :)

Somehow my post landed on your original post. Moving along. You don't need a PI. You can get this for about $18.00 if you can just find the right sight for it. Keep looking.


Specializes in Rural Health.

Contact the Highway Patrol (State Police...whatever it is called in your state) and they can direct you in the right path of who you need to contact or go to the state in question website and look for anything dealing with criminal records or criminal background checks - and you'll find some type of contact information.

Contact the Highway Patrol (State Police...whatever it is called in your state) and they can direct you in the right path of who you need to contact or go to the state in question website and look for anything dealing with criminal records or criminal background checks - and you'll find some type of contact information.

Get this...

I ended up going to my local Federal Courthouse to the records division to get a copy of my arrest (I didn't even know my city had a Federal Courthouse), and the gal said she has nothing in her files with my name on it. I explained that the CITY police arrested me, that the charges were dropped, that I had it expunged...etc, etc.

She said if it's not a federal case, the Fed's WON'T have record of it. Hmmmmm. I thought that the Feds have record of everything, but apparently not.

I think I will still go ahead and mention it when that time comes, but I won't be able to give em' any proof or anything. If it's nowhere on record, I don't understand how the BON can find out, but I don't really want to take my chances.

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