Anorexics Found To Have Excess Fat

Nurses General Nursing


In the study, the knee MRI images in patients with anorexia had markedly increased fat content--visualized as "yellow marrow"--and less than half as much healthy red marrow in their knees; this was seen both in the lower thigh bone (femur) and upper shinbone (tibia).

"But because of the hormonal alterations induced by malnutrition, the bone marrow stops yielding the needed cells to form bone. Instead the stem cells are pushed toward fat formation." One speculation is that it's the body's attempt to store energy and preserve warmth. Anorexics often develop hypothermia because of a lack of insulating fat, and are often hospitalized with extremely low body temperatures.

Specializes in Med Surg.

I'm not surprised, They said that more studies are needed to determine why this happens. Its probably just the body drawing from its orificenal of compensatory mechanisms when an imbalance is detected. For example a drop in blood pressure generally occurs as a result of going from a supine position to immediately jumping out of bed to a standing position, however in the normal healthy person baroreceptors kick in immediately to normalize blood pressure and prevent orthostatic hypotension --- its like the person does not even sense that drop in BP, unlike say a person who is severely hypovolemic (from say loss of blood or use of diuretics).

So in the case of individuals with anorexia, the body is probably desperately attempting to produce well needed fat "from basics" with the bare minimum, so it chooses to produce fat cells over bone cells.

Its a pity our bodies don't compensate involuntarity when it senses we are overweight. It would be nice if my body senses that I am over 200 pounds, starts increasing my metabolism by producing an excess of thyroid hormones, causing me to lose a lot of weight very fast and when I get to 135 pounds my body returns to a normal metabolism.... I'm just saying :)

Anyway, its a pretty interesting study

I wonder if also it has something to do with the extreme anemia anorectics develop. The body is denied what it needs to produce healthy marrow, so it produces fat as a self-preservation mechanism (it's freezing, for one).You're right - it's a shame we don't have some sort of kicker for "ideal" body weight.Yes - very interesting stuff. Who knows - if they can figure that out maybe it'll lead to some obesity studies and answers as well. Seems they find answers when they're not looking for them, as with most things.

Its a pity our bodies don't compensate involuntarity when it senses we are overweight. It would be nice if my body senses that I am over 200 pounds, starts increasing my metabolism by producing an excess of thyroid hormones, causing me to lose a lot of weight very fast and when I get to 135 pounds my body returns to a normal metabolism.... I'm just saying :)

Anyway, its a pretty interesting study


Isn't that the truth???!!!!:D

I cringed when I read the title. On another site that is, it was in our Sunday paper I believe. People with that disease react so negatively to that word "fat".

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