Published Jul 20, 2010
80 Posts
I'm 3 weeks into orientation and annoyed. My preceptor refused to check me off on wound care BC I forgot to change my gloves 4 times during simple dressing change. Company policy. Fine. I'm not too prideful for criticism. However in same visit I watched her change a piccline dressing with no gloves touching it at the entry site and all. Yet she tells me I could have caused the lady to get an infection???????!!!!!!!!!!!
38,333 Posts
Watch your step with these people. This supervisor could be a pain in your backside if you rub her the wrong way. Just get through your orientation and get on the job. You are even lucky to be having a formal orientation. Most agencies just throw the new employee out there to sink or swim. Good luck.
68 Posts
Wow! You were oriented! I go out with nurses. Infection control is big and the surveyors are all over it. We were cited because we didn't have the number of seconds you should wash your hands in our policy although, it was written in the procedure just below. Wear and change your gloves.
Your supervisor was as wrong as ever but maybe she was not a strong field nurse. Don't get on her bad side because they can make it ugly for you.
Good luck.
I know. Orientation is great. And I've got the sense to stay off her bad side
That's why I vent here and not to her. But honestly with 5 years hh experience all the orientation is annoying LOL. I just wanna work already!
Lacie, BSN, RN
1,037 Posts
Preceptor?, Wow, never had one in home health. I just got feed to the wolves on my own lol. Either way keep the preceptor happy and you'll be on your own before long with her out of your hair.