Anatomy and Physiology- Please Advise!


Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone could provide any advice...

I am currently finishing my first degree, and had started taking my Anatomy and Physiology prerequisites but I am quite worried about these prerequisites. I am a Psychology major and I am not used to such low averages in courses (take what you will from that).

I am particularly concerned about Anatomy. While in Physiology it seems possible to get an A, in my Anatomy course it seems very difficult. We just had midterms and the class average in Anatomy on the test was 50%, with most people scoring in the 50s, fewer in the 60s, fewer still in the 70s and only 2 people scoring in the 80s (in a course of hundreds... probably between 200-30). A LOT of people failed the exam. I just spoke to the professor and he said that he will not be bell curving grades. I am taking this course at York University (and am a York student).

I was wondering if anyone could advise whether this is normal for Anatomy courses?

I was also wondering if anyone could advise whether pursuing nursing is a good idea if I am struggling with Anatomy so much.

Thank you all in advance for your help!

Hey! I know how you feel. I'm actually in that course too. I talked with the new prof and he said the second half is not application type questions just memory. He said that it should be easier than the first half. Also, ppl did poorly historically because the second half was normally cumulative. This made me feel a little better.

I would say try to get at least a 70 in the course and the lab portion is an easy way to boost your grade. The only 'easier' option would be taking the anatomy and physiology course through Athabasca. But its a full year course so if you already have taken physio like me, then you may not want to retake it. But still worth considering if you don't think you can pull of a 70 at York.

Hi guys my response is a little off of the line of questioning in the OP.

My best advice for you guys, if you are now on the skeletal and muscular systems with professor K, read at least 6 pages ahead before each class. Something I found SO helpful for getting through that unit was this software Muscle and Motion Muscle and Motion Free Version.

This is a free trial link and only gives you access to a 3 or 4 muscles. What this software does is isolate a muscle and illustrates all the movements associated with it. It also has the skeletal system with all the bones and their landmarks plus the insertion and origins of the muscles. I decided to purchase the software for a month and every time I studied anatomy I had that open. If you are a visual learner this is VERY helpful. Other things i tried to do was write down a movement and then list all the muscles that could be responsible for that. Professor K would test you on things like that. Kudos to you guys for doing this course in such a short time frame.

As far as nursing being something worth pursuing, I will be starting the second entry at York this year, so I do not have a first hand account to tell you, but I have heard of the opportunities that nursing can give you, so that is a plus.


As far as nursing being something worth pursuing, I will be starting the second entry at York this year, so I do not have a first hand account to tell you, but I have heard of the opportunities that nursing can give you, so that is a plus.

Have you researched the job market in your province? Nurses in Ontario are having some of the hardest issues in finding employment. Look at your provincial government and it's healthcare budget.

So opportunities? Unless you are highly specialized (which a new grad is not), want to work in the North (which is not the place for a new grad), or can afford to work on a very casual basis, there really aren't that many opportunities.

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