Anatomy II

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Taking Anatomy II in the summer as an 8 week course. I hope I'm doing the right thing!! I want to enter RN clinicals as soon as possible! :D

Specializes in Behavioral Health.

Im taking A&P 1 over the eight week summer semester...we'll die together in the quest to start nursing school a semester earlier. :sarcastic: How many more prereqs do you have to go?

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day, pinkrain94 and LaurenJulia:

Put in the time in lab, go to each lecture class, take notes, treat lecture and lab as separate three credit classes in terms of allocating study time, and you will both do fine. If you run into problems early, seek help early. Both of you can do it.

Finish well.

Im taking A&P 1 over the eight week summer semester...we'll die together in the quest to start nursing school a semester earlier. :sarcastic: How many more prereqs do you have to go?

Haha dont worry i retook anatomy 1 this semester and i did a lot better this time around. I still have 4 more classes to take -hopefully- if i can pass my placement test to get into intermediate algebra

Thanks Peter! Btw It's Shanese!

I believe A&P II is easier as long as you did A&P I recently, if so it is very doable in 8 weeks.

I just finished the 17 weeker of A&P1. That class was easy for me, we move into blood the first week of the 8 week A&P2 and since I'm a lab tech that's my specialty! I was able to get a class schedule so I'm starting the reading portion ASAP, since we're using the same book it'll be easy to do so. Good luck!

I took A&P I and A&P II in one semester (8 weeks each). It was hard, and there were times I thought my brain would super-saturate, but I made it, and did well as far as I know. You can do it if you are dedicated, and motivated. :)

I'm also taking A&P 2 over the summer. It's going to be a busy 8 weeks, but I'm finishing up A&P 1 this week with a 92%, so I'm not too worried about it. After that, all I have left is micro and biomedical ethics to take in the fall before I start the nursing program in the spring.

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