Am I the only one?


Specializes in Cardiology.

I just started my first nursing course a few weeks ago and to be completely honest I feel really stupid. Just as a bit of background information, I already have a BA in Psychology and I am a pretty good student. I've always made A's and B's and generally understood everything fairly easily. However this class is Intro to Nursing and it is introducing the fundamentals of nursing and things like care plans and the steps of the nursing process. I feel as if I have a rudimentary understanding but not a full grasp like I usually have of things. We took out first quiz and I got an 84, which isn't too bad, but I felt I could've done better. I'm applying to an accelerated program and now I'm a little worried because those classes will be super fast if I get accepted and if I'm distraught at this beginner course, how will I do if I get into the accelerated program? So my question after all of this is , does it get any better and do we all feel this stupid at first? Thanks a bunch in advance!:confused:

Specializes in Critical Care, Postpartum.

Hey. Hang in there. Nursing is tough, but it can be accomplished. I'm in an accelerated program and I didn't think I was going to make it far in the program, but I'm now one semester left from graduating. Nursing foundations/fundamentals is the basics of nursing. You now have to learn to think like a nurse. Common sense doesn't always equal nursing common sense, so these classes are very important, but you'll get it. I would suggest practicing nursing application questions so you learn how to answer these questions correctly. Nursing priority is essential when you are in clinical as a student nurse and eventually as a nurse. Nursing is an art and a science; practice, practice, practice.

The accelerated programs are very tough and you will feel like your drowning, but you can make it through these programs too if you learn to manage your time.

Despised fundamentals--so far, that was the worst quarter yet. But, I made it through. Finished 3 quarters and only have 2 to go. It does get easier.

It gets better I promise!!! I remeber all I did my first semester was try to stay afloat. I am not sure about your school but at mine the first semester is kind of used to weed people out; I remember at the begining of our second semester the first thing the teacher said was "congrats you made it". So, hang in there it gets better and you are retaining things no matter how it feels.

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.

its a whole different world in nursing school. there are days where i feel the same as you do but then i tell myself, hey ive gotten a college degree i CAN do this..and its not impossible. Keep your head up :) It'll all be done before you know it !! :)))

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