Am I going to be in trouble, I accpted a gift

Nursing Students CNA/MA


A family of a patient knitted me a kitchen towel and handed it to me personally. During the moment, I didn't refuse the gift because she made the towel specially for me and that she made sure she finish knitting it before my shift ends. I didn't want to disappoint her. But now, I'm having a thought that I might be in trouble for accepting gifts. Another worker in the hospital knew I accepted the gift. Should I go and talk about it with my supervisor before she finds out from another person?

SHOCKER!!! Not at all. BUT this might be... I accepted a "gas" gift card from the DON who is also the "Agency Director" and the following week- she gave me $10. for "gas" in a thankyou card (with scripture quotes in it) for filling-in on an OFF day! Maybe because she KNOWS I drive 77 miles RT to work when I prefered a case closer to home?? Side note- I can hardly afford to pay my bills so I really did need the money for fuel. On a positive note, "this Agency job" I have is an ANSWER to PRAYERS! *PTL*

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