Published Oct 14, 2005
1,927 Posts
Ok, I hope you guys have some good advice for me working in GI and all:) I have ulcerative colitis and indeterminate Crohn's, although dr. is pretty sure it's Crohn's. I recieve Remicade tx evvery 6 weeks that have helped a little. Also, going to rheumatologist soon to r/o lupus. Anyway, I go to a dr. who is an expert in IBD. She actually only sees IBD pts. She's head of research at a local hospital that is well known and very prestigous. Now, I'm not one to go to a dr. based on education ALONE. Sure, education is important, but does he/she have good bedside manner, etc. When I first saw Dr. Y I was very impressed. She gave me alot of info on my disease. Lately, specifically the last 2 visits I feel like she could care less about the pain I am in. She refuses to issue any sort of pain med. When I describe my pain, and it's chronic RUQ pain where my Crohn's is located she tells me to use a heating pad, etc. The pain can be so intense that I wish that I was dead. The only thing that keeps me going some days is my nieces. I don't know what to do. Is it unusual for GI pts. to receive pain meds? I don't have a history of addiction. I've even suggested a non-narcotic pain reliever but she still refuses. Luckily, my pcp issues my pain meds(vicodin)but it seems that it has stopped working. I'm seriously considering seeing a different dr., but what if I get someone worse than she is? Also, I am thinking about going to a pain specialist. This RUQ pain is with me 24hrs a day and it's beginning to drive me nuts!!! What is your professional opinion about GI pts. receiving pain meds and seeing a pain specialist. Do I ditch the dr? She's acting like a real b*t*ch lately. BTW I am seeing a therapist and am on paxil cr and xanax. I am by no means going to end my life. After all, I have two beautiful twin nieces that I want to watch grow up. I feel like a drug seeker everytime I ask my pcp for vicodin. I work with him at the hospital so he know my history.He's intelligent and would let me know when I've gone to far.I JUST WANT ONE DAY WHERE I HAVE NO PAIN. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK???? Thank you everyone for lending an ear and reading my ranting that sometimes goes off subject. Thank you!
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,551 Posts
I am sorry about your pain - that must really suck. I think you would be well served by consulting a specialist in chronic pain management. They will be able to advise you about narcotic and non-narcotic pain relief options, and provide the most up to date treatments. Best of luck to you.