Alvin community college adn fall 2019


Did anyone apply to alvin? I’ve been looking for a post but was not able to find one.

Has anybody heard anything today? The suspense is killing me!

Did anybody apply anywhere else and have you guys heard from those schools yet?

I have not heard anything yet. I applied to UTH but acceptance letter went out already. My application says under review but it will update to denied eventually I think. What are your scores for the HESI and gpa?

Don't worry, I am pretty sure that everything will work out and you will be an amazing nurse.

Well, my GPA is a 3.83.

My HESI scores are as follows.

I have an overall score of 87.2

My reading score is an 86.

Do you think my scores are competitive enough to get into the program?
What about you? What are you guys scores like?

Your GPA is enough to get into their program. You will get in. That is for sure.

My overall GPA is 3.6 and my HESI overall is 87 as well; however, my reading was 96.

WOW! That is an amazing GPA and HESI scores! You will definitely get in without a doubt! I guess we'll find out tomorrow. ?

Y'all this is too much! So stressed waiting for the news! So happy see this post- I couldn't find info anywhere else!! Did everyone take pre req's at ACC?

Nope. I took my prerequisites at HCC.

Glad to see where in this together. It's a long and hard wait. I think we have two more days. But probably on Friday, we will know.

If it’s not tomorrow it will be next week- acc is closed on Fridays in summer!!

1 minute ago, mmintx said:

If it’s not tomorrow it will be next week- acc is closed on Fridays in summer!!

OHHH no please let it be tomorrow then cause I can't wait another week.

I think it’s gonna be tomorrow; didn’t she say that we would find out by the end of May. The last day of May is Friday, but they’re not open on Friday so maybe tomorrow we will know.

1 hour ago, mmintx said:

Y'all this is too much! So stressed waiting for the news! So happy see this post- I couldn't find info anywhere else!! Did everyone take pre req's at ACC?

I took all my prereqs at HCC as well

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